
Fuck that, I enjoyed watching Fitzcarraldo. Though it could be said that the myth surrounding it is even more interesting.

Academy Award Nominee: Nicolas Cage's Hair (Bangkok Dangerous)

@Perfect Tommy: No, no, no. Dazed and Confused is too much like real life, and dedicated stoners want NOTHING to do with reality.
They want reality… on WEED.

(Hand-eye coordination)

I really despised I [Heart] Huckabees. I haven't seen it since it came out, but I don't think I've had such a visceral dislike for a film before or since. It actually made me angry watching it. I remember being disgusted at the (perceived) insincerity of it.

Yeah, BASEketball was a definite classic amongst me and my stoner friends in school. To wit:

Sounds promising, Grrr. I'd kind of forgotten about the crossovers, so I guess they can be the carrot I dangle to get myself to start watching.

How are you liking it, Grrr? I finished watching Buffy a while ago, but I'm decidedly un-psyched at the prospect of watching Boreanaz's weird hairline for 5 seasons.

Heroine music.


I can see where you're coming from. I don't think it has so much to do w/being able to go through films frame by frame though… it's more like we're so immersed in media that we've become hyper-sensitive to cultural signifiers? I dunno, you know?

I just got finished reading the David Simon book, and have been contemplating revisiting the show, but my fuzzy recollection of seeing it in it's first run is that it got pretty lame. If anyone thinks different I'd be glad to hear why.

His cousin is in charge of rescuing/preserving the world's art. Pink Floyd's giant floating pig being (pop) art…

The music is one of the bestest parts. KING CRIMSON!

I've never even heard of the first two/forth shows you mentioned. And Doctor Who looks like the square root of awful.

Hell's Bells, YES!

Joe Rogan + Merk = BFF TRUE LOVE WAITS A+++++

@ Master Plaster: No, and within a couple of months we were no longer a… couple.

Kristy Swanson gets date raped.

Saw it 3 times in the theater. The last time I was with my girlfriend watching some godawful chick flick, and 15 minutes in I leaned over and said "Skronk this, I'm sneaking into Children of Men." She was not pleased.