
She caught a lot of flak here, but I found her presence in the show to be a real breath of fresh air. For the first few episodes I actually allowed myself to believe she'd be Jesse's salvation.

Jesse helped cook the meth. He might not be a chemist, but he was doing batches back when Walt still had hair.

I find it hard to believe people are still rooting for Walt after this episode. The best I can hope for now is that his family manage to escape the shitstorm he's got coming to him.

I think maybe that's Walt's hope: That Jane's death will knock some sense in to him, and he'll come back to the fold. But so far Jesse's reaction to any misfortune has been to get high as a kite.

So how did you like it?

Cruddy really is amazing, but if it ever gets book club treatment I hope it's sometime down the road, like after we do a few books that DON"T make me have to cry (seriously AV Club, stop it).


Quick someone tell me why Hiroshima Mon Amour isn't THE ABSOLUTE WORST.

It's kinda nice too though. In just the 1st page of comments I jotted down the titles of half a dozen books that sounded interesting to me.

Comic Books, Or The Graphic Novel in the West
I was wondering what the AV Club's stance would be on maybe throwing graphic novels into the mix, sometime down the road? I'm thinking something large and self contained like Jimmy Corrigan, Black Hole or Epileptic.

Re: PK Dick, I think DADOES would be kind of a gimme pick, considering the Blade Runner connection. I think Flow My Tears The Policeman Said would be a more interesting one.

Yah, Riding Giants was really cool. Made me wish I knew how to surf. And swim.

I second Little, Big. I picked it up when I was 14 or so, probably because it superficially resembled the plethora of really bad sword & sorcery books I was so fond of at the time. But it was really something else entirely, and definitely one of the formative reading experiences of my youth. I'm a little fuzzy on the

Love Actually


He's already lost. It's just a question of how bad.

Up until Jesse floated off the bed, that scene was really nailing the feeling of expectation and dread you get while preparing your high (never used a needle before, but I've tried opiates/speed).

I like the IDEA of cacophonous "freakouts" played by drug-addled degenerate rednecks. But no, doesn't really work for me.

He must be Canadian.

That would be ideal.