Lewd Ferrigno

While having no real interest in seeing this movie after reading the review and seeing its trailer, at the very least I'm reminded of Joshua Dysart's amazing Unknown Soldier series for Vertigo. It also had a main character who fought the Lord's Resistance Army, yet never once shied away from the moral ambiguity/horror

Hopeful Mustard Farm.
Desmond Hooty Choo-choo and the Silver Nugget Band (Especially for his 1973 album "Graveyard Ditties".)
Apostolic Fuckgasm.
Japanimal Collectroids.
Jimmy Cooze and the Tempting Ones.
Screechy McScreech.

Was ist die Befindlichkeit des Landes?

I have no desire to get overly personal here, but as someone who has had someone close to them talk about wanting to commit suicide and ask them for help, this episode struck a massive chord with me. I think that overall this season has been spectacular, but this specific episode knocked it out of the park. The line

Speaking for myself, the episode left me with the impression that Cook was willing to appear on the show for an honest discussion of his joke-thieving. I was left in no way convinced that Dane Cook didn't steal the material, even though he may have convinced himself down the line that the jokes were his. I felt

Bob Saget
This episode had several funny moments and managed to surprise me quite a bit. There was the unexpectedly deep discussion in the second segment that actually forced me to change the way I regard Dane Cook (although his work is definitely not my cup of tea). More surprising still was that Bob Saget may have

Joy Division? (Hear me out.)
I realize that they only had two albums, and if you throw in the material from the compilation albums (Substance, Still, and Warsaw) you still may not get three album's worth of original songs, but you'd come close. I'm just throwing this out there for consideration. At the very least,

In all honesty I don't find her very attractive (although, yeah, she does have a great body). And while this says nothing about her as a person, the character she played in Enter the Void was so thoughtless and shitty that it almost ruined the film for me. Not like any of the characters in that film are remotely

I'd like to enter her void, if you know what I mean.

There is a bit of voiceover from Patricia Arquette's character at the beginning and the end.

Terminator 2 and Highlander 2.
I'm not quite sure whether Christopher Lambert's old man voice in one part of Highlander 2 is as bad as his makeup, or if it's worse. And while it's only in Terminator 2's alternate ending, Linda Hamilton's old woman makeup as her character spends time with her family in 2027 is pretty

Bruce McCulloch's character is also played by Mark McKinney at another point in the show, which I suppose is another reason to re-watch it. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

Anyone interested in something great and underseen featuring Don McKellar would do well to check out the series Twitch City. And Last Night is probably my favourite movie in which David Cronenberg has an acting part, or at least one that doesn't involve him playing a masked, knife-wielding therapist who seeks to

"You MUST KNOW the human population is behind all the pollution and problems in the world, and YET you encourage the exact opposite instead of discouraging human growth and procreation. Surely you MUST ALREADY KNOW this!"
This person MUST HAVE ALREADY known how he would sound with his use of caps lock and YET he went

Don't brame me, I stub my toooooooeeee!

"Norma Jean's Monster." I see what you did there with the Mr. Show reference. Referring to that sketch, could a bloody diaper be considered metal?

Requiem for a Dream.
Honestly, now. Didn't Jennifer Connelly's character have tremendous chemistry with the woman who shared the classic ass-to-ass scene with her? Yet afterwards she despairingly curls up in a fetal position on the couch. We are then left with serious doubts as to whether or not there is any future

Damn. I meant to type "cutting off", not "shoving off". Anyway, here's an important work that in only a matter of seconds made more-or-less the same point Tony Kaye tried to make. Important, positive, and unfortunately censored.

To be fair.
It wasn't just the black guy that he shared laundry detail with befriending him that made him change. Afterwards, he was viciously raped by one of his fellow white supremacists. And then Avery Brooks helped him see things properly by asking if anything Derek had done had ever made his life better.

I suppose I have to comment on this, what with the user name and all. It seems that they waded through a bunch of Ministry songs and chose "So What" not because it's especially crazy ( N.W.O is at least as fucked up) but because it just sounds fucking awesome. I know it's from the perspective of an addict, instead of