Lewd Ferrigno

As good as that part of 'Accelerando' was, it was easy to forget amidst the deluge of other events and ideas that were in that novel. It's easily one of Stross's best. And if the book proves prescient in that regard, then it's only a matter of time before the singularity occurs, along with the popularization of Hello

I was joking with that last line, and was also surprised that he hadn't made fun of them earlier.

Am I alone in thinking that this is better than "It's Not Funny"?
"It's Not Funny" had moments, but the political material in this one is at times more focused and on-point than most of the stuff on his last CD. And the whole bit on "Bigger and Blackerer" about something so horrible you don't even regret it is one of

The Sound and the Fury - It's when a Faulknerian idiot man-child angrily shoves a thin rod in and out of a man's urethra.

Three scenes.
There Will Be Blood - Oil derrick scene.
Daniel Plainview, a force of nature, staring into another force of nature: a fire that rages and burns brighter than anything in sight. The fire will be put out when the explosion creates a vacuum, yet the fire within Plainview will go on to consume anything it

Do yourself a huge favor and read the first Invisibles trade "Say You Want A Revolution" since it's really some of the best that the series had to offer. Apocalipstick was s0-s0 but had a few great moments. Stop if you don't like it by the end of "Bloody Hell In America". It's arguably his most significant work of the

I'm just glad to read a piece by an AV Club writer in which Mogwai gets some credit. I'm not saying all of their albums are amazing, but some of the reviews they've received from this site have been a bit harsh, especially the review for Come On Die Young.

Mclusky is better than your band, they have more songs than a song convention.

It was a fun show for its first season, but somewhere later on it tried to get all dark and serious. And there was a video-game based on the show that was made for the original PlayStation. I remember reading that it wasn't very good. Honestly, I shouldn't remember that at all, but I do.

Battlefields: Dear Billy was fantastic and the last two pages of Long Cold Dark made for one of the greatest moments in a Punisher story. Also, Cmndr_X, I couldn't agree more.

Preacher was, is, and shall remain awesome. Ennis's run on Hellblazer was quite good and so are his volumes of War Stories. That said, I'm as capable of criticizing his work as the next person and found parts of Punisher Max to be a bit lacking. I also gave up on The Boys quite a while ago. The guy knows how to set up

Iron Man 2: Master of Reality

"Mr. Black T-Shirt" was actually shown to be somewhat insightful in certain scenes, which was troubling considering how he was also a fucking racist douche. At least they had N.W.O. on the soundtrack. The performances were okay, but it's easily one of Linklater's lesser films and one gets a sense that the plot

I suppose the only Mr. Bungle song that's even better to listen to while getting shitfaced would be "Goodbye Sober Day". I admit that it would be a bit on the nose, however.