Lewd Ferrigno

I definitely enjoyed how they used that scene from The Turin Horse for the Caretaker song. Very fitting.

"Y'know, it's not like I had anything against him. …I thought we were
all killing him so we could take his super nice timepiece. Isn't that
what we meant when we all kept saying 'For the watch'? …So there's no
watch. … FUCK."

Have mine ears bewitched me with whispers of Xanadu??

Experience beej!

When I read the ending of Alison Bechdel's "Fun Home" it took a lot of effort not to cry in public. I'm just really happy that I succeeded before my bus came and I didn't find myself bawling my eyes out on my commute to work, but it wasn't easy. While the most I ever tend to get is a bit misty-eyed or verklempt at a

The film Naked Lunch. I could find at least two things wrong with that title.

I don't really have much to add to this conversation, except that anyone who derides metal as a musical genre while thinking that a song can't start off heavy as fuck and then become something harmonious and gorgeous should really hear the last track off of Isis' 'Wavering Radiant'. That is all.

A number of people in the theatre, including myself, absolutely loved the traumatic backstory for Jane Lynch's character. I honestly can't think of a better riff on the state of current generation action games and how nearly every protagonist needs to have some sort of horrible, dark past to justify their constant

A number of people in the theatre, including myself, absolutely loved the traumatic backstory for Jane Lynch's character. I honestly can't think of a better riff on the state of current generation action games and how nearly every protagonist needs to have some sort of horrible, dark past to justify their constant

While I really liked the film, I couldn't help but think that had King Candy's story actually been true it would have been a great part of the plot. I don't know how they would work around it, and the whole "Shut Up And Drive" sequence practically confirmed that the car would be used later on, but having King Candy

While I really liked the film, I couldn't help but think that had King Candy's story actually been true it would have been a great part of the plot. I don't know how they would work around it, and the whole "Shut Up And Drive" sequence practically confirmed that the car would be used later on, but having King Candy

Abortions: Wrong!
Dangling a baby over a balcony: Acceptable!

Abortions: Wrong!
Dangling a baby over a balcony: Acceptable!

That bit honestly just felt awkward to watch. When Lynch's character
decided to give him another week it was pretty amusing, and then the bit
with Louie's agent just killed. Anything that seemed unintentionally
awkward in the first half of the episode was made up for by the entire
last half. The test show was

That bit honestly just felt awkward to watch. When Lynch's character
decided to give him another week it was pretty amusing, and then the bit
with Louie's agent just killed. Anything that seemed unintentionally
awkward in the first half of the episode was made up for by the entire
last half. The test show was

Warren Ellis said in an interview that he has been asked countless times if one politician or another didn't remind him exactly of The Smiler, who if I'm not mistaken was something of a composite of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, but mostly Blair. At any rate, I don't know if it's really relevant whether Romney

Warren Ellis said in an interview that he has been asked countless times if one politician or another didn't remind him exactly of The Smiler, who if I'm not mistaken was something of a composite of Bill Clinton and Tony Blair, but mostly Blair. At any rate, I don't know if it's really relevant whether Romney

I was at the premiere and it was a rare instance in which I cared little for the film but loved the screening. The crowd was one of the rowdiest horror audiences I've seen in Toronto, which says something. The film has terrible pacing, but at least has great make-up effects and some of the most enjoyable and playful

I was at the premiere and it was a rare instance in which I cared little for the film but loved the screening. The crowd was one of the rowdiest horror audiences I've seen in Toronto, which says something. The film has terrible pacing, but at least has great make-up effects and some of the most enjoyable and playful