
pre-law is a major in some schools. Where it isn't, pre-law types tend to go to political science and then things like history

My 3 year old was watching AUC with me just now. I didn't know she'd ever seen Community before, but apparently she has because I went through an interrogation about why they were stop motion instead of "real"

And let's not forget MILF Island

Right, Chavez isn't Castro, he's Palpatine.

"Why did Leela steal silverware?"


I know it's been 4 years
But you're a terrible person for endorsing the use of shakeycam

This comment is pretty funny from 2011.

It is weird seeing this be the last episode review for the show. Damn you, ABC

Oh, I was talking about other aspects of her face.

She looks like she's had more than a nose job.

There are clearly better television shows than The Wire. I should know, I've seen most of its first season.

FTH? Catelyn is barely more intelligent than Hodor.

lol, trusting a politician.

Yeah, I was thinking about that as I watched this episode, it will be obvious to the viewers.

I was rereading the series this year and was surprised to learn that the first time I read it I must have stopped reading soon after the Red Wedding, as almost everything at the end of the book was new.

I've been wondering who sets the screen shots at the top of each recap. Seeing Arya here in the dark and Drogo in the newbie post tossing away his daggers so he can rip out a man's tongue is quite the contrast.

Around the time of the bandit attack on the road Tyrion said "What sort of an imbecile arms an assassin with his own blade" and yes, Catelyn heard it.

"the Chinese can distinguish their Ls from their Rs"

The Webster finale was also, it seems, a clip show.