
I've read the books and got them confused. Of course, I'd forgotten who Theon was, as it's been a while, and I'm terrible with faces

You can, in fact, go through security without a ticket. You need to get a pass from a ticket agent.

Sarccastro: like you, I don't watch the show, but that clip made it a fair ways around the internet.

It's one of the worst episodes of ST ever. The motivation simply isn't there, so the prosecution comes off as simply insane from the outset. This could have worked in DS9. It's simply awful in TNG

So does this episode mean Crixus can close his mouth now?

Don't know how anyone could punish themselves for not being able to predict how Lost would wind up. Well, aside from the creators and writers.

Don't know how anyone could punish themselves for not being able to predict how Lost would wind up. Well, aside from the creators and writers.

"Claire" is way too plastic surgeryish. Botox, implants, give me a natural woman

On that subject, I don't know how he wrote so many words on this without mentioning the pop revival that was going on at the same time. The Korn phenomenon always struck me as being partially a reaction to the success of pop.

Yes, if this had been a show with more supernatural superpowers I would have assumed it actually was Goggles doing recon or something.

"I'm not sure how many of the hoi-poloi would know that it was actually a book first. Which is also the only reason I didn't include "2001". "

Why did the villain attempt to intimidate them by suggesting he was an expert at slipping himself out of prom dresses?