
Yeah, because when I casually bring up Idris Elba might be a bit racist or suggest a MM episode might not be the greatest thing since sliced bread, the comment board doesn't gather its little torches and pitchforks and gang up on me for disrupting the little hive mind. Good call, critic monkey.

Not taking myself as seriously as the hallowed AV chat club or its all-powerful critics of pop culture detritus, apparently.

Fitting the narrow choice of a self-appointed internet board tastemaker, who exists somewhere between a flea and a fleck of saliva, was never my thing. Sorry.

Again, the opinion of internet amoebas means very, very little to me. It's truly amazing the high regard with which this silly little commenting club holds itself to think otherwise. Just astounding.

And not the person desperately trying to teach me a lesson in how one should conduct themselves on the AV comment board, as if it were the most important forum on the planet and not the exact opposite? Hilarious.

I've left less than six. When math is that difficult for you, the AV comment board is a welcome haven for mediocrity.

Thinking the opinion of a lowly AVer was worth two shits to me was what made you naïve; the rest is gravy.

You can read. Congratulations.

If you liked the shit-slow, boring Betty-focused season three you deserve to read redundant Mad Men reviews till you drop.

Offhand I can name the Lou Reed Rembrance article, the one on Merry Clayton and review of the Robert Plant bio, but
What does any of that have to do with the triteness of writing yet another review praising a premiere episode that's already been praised to the heavens?

Yeah, you certainly never see that on an AV comment board.

Wow, reviewing ancient episodes of Mad Men. Pretty ballsy.

Uh-oh, B territory. The check from Schur was late this week…

Betty Kronstadt changed her name to Liz and hired me for a stand-up gig in 2000. Moved to Austin, I believe.

Oh, by the way…
(Keep clicking on the up and down vote buttons, though; it'll look great in your obituaries).

Okay, dead-end office losers with shitty taste, whatever you prefer.

Do you have good taste?
(Never mind, AV sheep. You already answered that)

And not one can disagree with the review of that show. Not one.

The AV takes pay-offs from Schur to give great reviews to his shows. Just admit it and you'll all sleep better.

And you equal that sum. Congratulations.