
What a shameless tie-in to the 50th anniversary of the JFK killing (which was obviously on the production's mind when Future Past was being made). Wouldn't one mention of this incident have been made in any of the McKellan X-movies? "Erik, I'll never forgive you for Dallas…"

Uncle Mike and Spader had a truly mystical moment. Coster was great in The Dark Knight and somehow always finds a new spin on the misbegotten foreign gangster.

It's interesting how the Beatles were big fans of and emulated the Everlys harmonies, but never quite got the charm (except for their Everlys pastiche 'Baby's In Black'). it's the little country twang in their voices that makes the difference; otherwise you come off sounding like nasal chipmunks.

The first Fantastic Four was great and did great box-office. More like failed revisionism.

Some Quantum Leaps were slavishly trendy to what was happening at the time, like the "Driving Miss Daisy" episode around the time of the movie where Sam's a black driver to an old lady.

Dealey Plaza has more emotional range.

But if the show is actually shit, despite the brain-dead public's obsession with zombies, that must provide some satisfaction. And he directed actual MOVIES like Shawshank and the Green Mile before tv. Get ahold of yourself.

He's landed on his feet on TNT and WD is just the same dreary trudge week after week; nothing to complain about.

The check-in fees are the real nightmare.

Probably his complete lack of balance and sense of personal vendetta in his criticism (even Reed said something to the effect of "I don't know what this guy's obsession with me is about.")

As long as Ed Ward isn't. What a fucking douche.

De Curtis did the classic 90's interview with Keef in Jamaica and interviewed him at the NY Public Library in Oct '10 on the release of his autobiography
(where incidentally I spotted Lou on the steps outside, shaking like a ninety-year old woman. Full circle, man).

Paul Ryan was really good; not showy but solid. He did a run on Iron Man and Fantastic Four then vanished off the face of the earth. Maybe dead.

What was amazing about the line was how dark it went after Pittsburgh; Spitfire developed a horrific spore that turned her actual skin metal; the kids in Psi Force either blew up or died fighting a psychopathic Russian paranormal who destroys the Constitution; NY becomes a ghost town from the Pittsburgh crater dust;

What was amazing about the line was how dark it went after the Pittsburgh incident; NY became a became a ghost town thanks to the endless dust from the explosion's crater; Spitfire flew into the crater and developed a strange spore that turned her actual skin into metal; the kids in Psi Force found their host bodies

And you're a proud AVer; same difference.

I tuned out at the beginning of your rant. You care so little you keep coming back again and again; incredible proof of disinterest.
Keep sucking some critic's dick and discussing your favorite shows on a comment board. Your life won't turn out to be completely pointless; it really won't.

Yes, your board makes comments appear and disappear, making replies appear numerous times as you edit. Good stuff.

Yeah, I keep thinking anyone cares when those who don't keep replying to me again and again. Crazy, huh?
Keep defining appropriate AV comments, little tastemaker. It's obviously an incredibly important job to you.

Yeah, strange I think anyone cares about that when you keep returning again and again to someone you don't care enough to reply to. Crazy, huh?
Keep defining AV comment appropriateness, tastemaker. It's obviously an incredibly important job to you.