
I just think of the scene in Annie Hall where Woody Allen is listening to this older comedian he's going to write for, and the guy does this cutesy nonsense and Allen is thinking "I'm going to throw up." The woman at the far right of the picture has the same expression.

You're talking about Andy, right?

Next to Samberg she's probably Louis C.K.

Now that was funny.

Bored To Death was better.

Samberg's not even funny enough to be a hack. It's the like watching the longest winning streak of a high school talent show runner-up.

Maybe they'll gouge its lovely eyes.

Funny how Samberg's his own worst enemy. In fact that's the only thing funny about him.

That's what evil Dave Letterman does too.

Or "I traded the Romano show for this twit? Oh, well, a check's a check."

Yeah , what's the dumbing down of what's left of the audience's intelligence when there's another billion at stake?

Good dialogue seems to baffle most modern American screenwriters, hence the push in the opposite direction.

No; he can't release two Lennon retrospectives at once.

Prefer the 'Cheech Marin trapped in Tijuana' version:

Isn't this most of the Dead's recorded output?

Those matching suits and smiling songs; so daring.

Even Paul admitted the medley was lifted from the Who's work.
Mary Poppins had come out before Pepper. She's Leaving Home, Mr. Kite, Lovely Rita and Fixing A Hole sound like missing Julie Andrews tracks.
Nice talking to you.

Sounds like a cross between Vegas and Hawaii 5-O, which equals cancelled.

Too bad that's not how filmmaking or reality works. Nice try, though.

Too bad that's not how filmmaking works. Nice try, though.