
Huh. Will check it out.

Security people are such assholes. I had to break away from just to cross the street in Paris when they were filming Tom Hanks and Audrey Tatuo (sp) in The Da Vinci Code.

State of Shock with Jagger was a better collaboration; pulled the best from both contributors.

Everyone on the AV is a self-hating monster.

One tv series and some reality shows simply can't compare to the last ten years in NM. Sorry.

No, your life here already does that.

Yes, I do.
That was awesome.

Oh, yeah, Hip-Hop Housewives of Atlanta - an absolute flood of creativity.

You must pardon me; being condescended to by absolute nothing internet commenters is annoying. Now, make sure to tap that 'dislike' button ya fuckin' weasels; that's your special power :)

What filmmaking boom in Chicago? One shitty Superman reboot qualifies as a boom? You guys should do an article about Albuquerque, NM; not only Breaking Bad, but the state's tax credits to filmmakers have brought Avengers, Book of Eli, Terminator Salvation, Crazy Heart, Brothers, 3:10 To Yuma, Lone Ranger, The Last

Semi-famous actors playing famous actors.
Maybe someday AV commenters will have even more anonymous commenters play them in a comment movie.

Sure, he was a famous, talented person, something you'll never, ever be. Glad to help.

Your mama.

It's a term Jung created to describe the totems and images common to the human subconscious. Happy to educate you.

No, I was suggesting that tagging someone with a Mencia label for using a joke so ingrained in the collective unconscious as one about mothers was utterly insipid. Nice try, though.

Right, because Carlos stole the 'mom' joke from…whatever vaudevillian thought of it in 1912. Ooh, stings.

Appropriate for a cut-and-paste band.

Better that than whitebread bore.

Really have to see this to be convinced; Carter looks more like Mickey Rooney than Taylor.

Bad women choices post-Linda probably embittered him a bit, to say nothing of having to be a one-man Beatles jukebox for the rest of his life with the other members being either dead or Ringo (and that quiet control freak comment is probably accurate - Denny Laine and the other members of Wings got fed up with having