
It was diverse, but so much of it was incredibly disposable. Barring A Day In The Life much of Pepper is like one long Disney soundtrack (same for Walrus and Tour), the White Album is seven or eight strong songs and the rest 'half-conceived brain farts that they'll buy because we're the Beatles' filler, and Abbey Road

We need more comics like the comic strip Gasoline Alley; everyone aged into decrepitude.

Sure; it's where gritty, adult music takes precedence over overproduced pop fluff.

Listened to the recent Howard Stern interview with Paul, goads him into the whole 'the Stones copied everything we ever did' rap and Paul buys into it. "You guys did Mystery Tour, and the Stones did Beggar's Banquet the same year [?]" Yeah, and the Beatles wrote songs about the Devil and telling parents to fuck off.

Actually Exile and Beggar's Banquet do the trick as well. Post-Revolver it was all teetering on elevator muzak.

I would say the creators are the ones who are still oppressed; all that sweat and labor to create the comics for a few grand and then the movie people use them as blueprints to make millions.

Where AV commenters can finally have power in their lives.

Revolver is good but a little cold; showed the band's knob-turning obsessions starting to take over rather than focus on their abilities as straight-ahead instrument players (that is until Hendrix, Cream, the Band etc. pushed them back to their roots).

She Came In Through The Bathroom Window is the coolest thing on Abbey Road; showed what Paul could do when he focused his pop-rock sensibilities
(and Joe Cocker's cover just takes it to another level).

No, Sticky Fingers and Exile on Main Street are.

Brody's probably headed back to Iraq to offer himself for torture again; anything's better than dealing with that annoying daughter of his.

Yeah, and that sex scene where Baio strips her down and levitates her in a storage room was premium embarrassment time for family viewing.

What about the chick from Friday The 13th Part VII, The New Blood? Finally a teenager who could do more than get slaughtered by Jason, even if all she did with her telekinesis was make the stairs collapse beneath him and strangle him with a light bulb cord.

Yeah, get the torches and jump to conclusions! Mob mentalities are always the smartest move!

@avclub-ea3e191507f6acb26919668210ad83a7:disqus See, there's this thing called 'non compos mentis' to describe people who are not exactly in the sanest mental state when they commit heinous acts. It's weird, I know, to consider that losing one's family in the Holocaust (you hear about that event? It's in all the

I never subscribed to the whole 'label them a troll when they don't say the correct thing' form of censorship, so I could give a fuck.

"Nobody internet commenters judge the character of great directors - next Maury!"

His victim has forgiven him. The person who was actually involved. What does your moral high horse matter to her? Not a zip. If she's content with the despicable act, who are we to judge? The end, off to oblivion with you.

@avclub-ea3e191507f6acb26919668210ad83a7:disqus Maybe you should try it; might make your life more notable than just being another internet flea with the moral high ground.
Even Polanski's victim isn't as sanctimonious as you losers.

Who cares. She forgave him. Enjoy your mediocrity.