
What did you delete? How hip-hop has no merit at all because you've never actually heard any of it?

No, he was just the worst case of pussy-whipped in history.

What does fucking your mom have to do with my dislike of Yoko and John?

Chris Brown has publicly said he regrets the Rhianna incident and wishes he could take it back.

Just saying fuck off and fanboy appreciation doesn't make John's sense of melody any more interesting than it is. Because was just a vamp on hearing Yoko play the beginning of the Moonlight Sonata; Lucy and Strawberry are just simplistic descending patterns. I'd give Sexy Sadie and Happiness some credit for melodic

Interesting to see Jay and Ron work together, but not enough to hear that irritating sob in Jay's speaking voice.

I love Marianne Faithfull's comment about seeing John and Yoko together for the first time at the Stones Rock N Roll Circus in 'Dec '68: "Why'd it have to be John?" As if everyone knew she was a social climber just looking for someone big to get her claws into.

Wow, just like you and E. Buzz Miller. Remarkable.

I prefer Jagger. Just a solid performer, smart businessman, did charity efforts without being messianic about it, and scoffed off Lennon's ridiculous 'They copied everything we ever did' claim by continuing to make great music while John threw away his own band for his bat-faced, talentless wife.

Hey, no one here is making excuses for Polanski's behavior because he lost his parents in the Holocaust and his wife to a cult; why should John get off?

@avclub-df723a364b70e18bb8fa82dcbcc2db91:disqus No one here actually listens to the music of the black artists they criticize; being black with their weird bling and all that is enough.

He was probably just overreacting to the criticisms of the political left. Then when his ADD kicked in again he went back to his navel in the Dakota and shat on others that continued to have careers.

I say it. Some decent Dylan knock-offs during his psychedelic period but a lot of simplistic philosophy set to simplistic arrangements as time went on.

Yoko will just keep repackaging it until the little turd finally keels over.

"His music isn't worth talking about" because you probably haven't heard a note of it, member of the whitebread Dawes lynch mob.

So writing a bunch of 'here's how to live your life' songs with limited chord progressions makes you a bazillion times more talented than a highly-talented dancer and rap artist? Maybe on the white AV. I'm gonna go find some good negro music on BET.

Paul didn't hit women. That's worth his lukewarm '70s output alone.

Being dead helps. Live negroes have to take their chances.

Okay, identify for me the songs where John showed great melodic  imagination, and not a lazy progression for whatever notes were closest to each other? Sure, as a lyric 'visionary' he was the best Dylan rip-off in the band, but musically you're inventing someone who didn't exist.

Who cares if you're tired of hearing it? The proof is in the relentless lynch mob the white media, from Entertainment Weekly to the snide remarks on sites like this one, leveled at the mere mention of his name. It's a double standard any way you look at it.