
Right. The black community has moved on; white folk want him to swing from the tree forever.

Ah, Lurky's smug little avatar, staring in the heavens like she actually accomplished something with her life. Endearing.

That's just whitebread taste, not fact. Crawl, Fine Chyna… the guy has great hits for people who can move their hips beyond a few centimeters in either direction.

Oh, yeah, those endless stories and references to Penn's, Rourke's, and Brolin's abuse, mentioned in conjunction with every movie and interview they do; God, when will they get a break?

John fell back too many times into the same descending chord pattern (the main verse of Lucy, Dear Prudence; All You Need Is Love; Instant Karma; Mind Games) to rank him as a great pop composer. Some good lyrics now and then, but that's it.

Except he doesn't even bother to harmonize with Berry on Memphis and just sings in a flat tone the whole time. Guess he thought Yoko would carry the show. So much for the '70s.

I'm perfectly happy with your mom, thanks.

Yes, because Yoko is an artist worth defending, or something.

So bed-ins for peace ended Vietnam? Cool premise.

No one would want to hold a candle to Bonham because the drunken Neanderthal's breath would ignite the place. I like that one song where he hammers his drums with the subtlety of an anvil.

Yeah, John's burying his nose in his bat-faced talentless wife's dank pussy pretty much wipes out his authority on every topic…imaginable.

Damn you, Chapman; if we grant you parole will you go back to the Dakota and fucking finish the job this time?!

Lennon beats his wife - world overlooks.
A hip-hop dancer/singer does it - never lives it down.

How many did he need to have her forgive him completely?

Hasn't helped you.

A world of waste awaits you at the AV.

Zeppelin's rape of the blues should have been enough to turn you off to them.

Ain't it lucky the opinions of internet nobodies have no effect on the enduring power of the works themselves?

Go work for child services then. Leave the artists to their lives.

No, fuck you 'I, the Jury' worms who will never achieve an iota of his artistic body of work.