
yo moma

I image the french people in charge of releases have that exact same thought with all their releases.

i know, dude should totally go back to Saudi Arabia

not with that attitude it doesn't…

that goddamn bag! i remember early on in the film thinking what's up with it? and then completely forgot about it and then….you know the rest

i don't know, have you seen Irreversible?

you're a waste of celluoid! Hmmph…

how many exclamation points indicates sarcasm?

i think everyone who identifies strongly with any political ideology (liberal, feminism, conservative, MRA…) gets really self righteous about their beliefs, particularly on the internet

not on internet, that's for sure…

" the trailer convinced me it is largely making fun of both sides and that most of the characters are flawed, vulnerable, struggling, etc., and the story is more about people navigating these ideas than spouting them off."

OH MY GAWD! Personal experiences are the most valuable tool in fighting/criticizing white-hetero-patriarchal institutions! However opinions based on personal experiences that generalize people of colour, queers and females are part of the white-hetero-patriarchal institutions!

you could say the same thing about Spike Lee and almost anyone else…

as someone who actually saw "Homeboys from outerspace" in it's original run, i can tell you its not as bad as people say it is. It's much much worst.

merci beaucoup, c'est chouette!

Why is it that french titles of english films are always so more different from the english title? i remember "Sleepover" in french was "revenge in pajamas"

Spike Lee is his own worst enemy.

like how people who complaining about diversity on children's television are far more privileged then people who were actually affected by slavery and JIm crow laws?

and bringing up Slavery and Jim Crow laws when talking about diversity in children's television is really grasping at straws to make a point.
and since you have no response to "that you shouldn't discount one of form of oppression because another group has it worst" i'll assume you agree with me…

actually my point about bringing up the holocaust was that you shouldn't discount one of form of oppression because another group has it worst because then you're turning real issues into a game of oppression olympics…