
lets not forget the time Chris Lily's Ja'Mie was considered "transphobic drag"

and that makes my point less valid?

and when did i say that?

let he who is without sin cast the first stone

same here

and your point is based on misrepresenting the show and the word "minority" good luck with that!

"Jewish men are still "White Males." Period."
agree, but you really shouldn't miss use the term "minority" then because guess what? that word doesn't mean "none white."

"Yes, but why write the only minority character as the one who has these social anxieties. " He's jewish so yes, he is a minority character.
"Race is the issue here, not religion." then you should specify when you use the term "minority" that you mean "not white" Point is any time more then one of them are going for

Howard is Jewish,

"This reinforced a false notion that minorities are not attractive or cannot get attractive women."

especially when the person educating isn't black…

right i forgot, only the USA's history of systematic oppression matters…

no one did…

Yes, and because jews in concentration camps were liberated after the Holocaust while Gay people were sent to mental institutions and prisons means we don't have to acknowledge anything bad that happened to the jews…

Who cares about who had it bad, all that matters is someone had it worst? i guess you win the oppression olympics…

you're are correct, the effects of poverty actually don't affect white people at all!

then the author of this article should actually prove in some way that all children's television needs to be educational…

Do you have any proof that adult do watch any educational programming?

ok so why does all children's television need to be educational when that isn't the case for adult programming?

do you have any proof that "children's television should be education"?