
I'm sorry i wasn't aware that posting comments halted all conversation . Thank you for clarifying.

You aren't actually addressing the argument he's making by using her as an example.

he posting a comment and engaging in a dialogue, so how is he actually trying to silence anyone?

Your missing the point he's trying to make by bringing her up instead of addressing his actual argument.

well if that's what you meant then you could have said that…

and you aren't very good at answering questions or making arguments.

Me too. It seems that they have taken this criticism seriously years ago, as these films take time to make. Hopefully it will be a continuing trend.

i didn't make that argument so i don't really know what you are trying to express to me. She completely deserves criticism for any racist views which were not okay at the time and still aren't. But to say who cares about her is incredibly ignorant.

how does typing "shut the fuck up" silence a conversation? Granted Skull kid is being rude but my original question to you remains the same.

because she actually accomplished something…

have you heard of the next film they are making?

how does posting a comment on an article silence conversation?

TLC you're a piece of shit and probably should have done this years ago…

that which provokes interest?

its all filth flarn

My favorite part of the episode is the closing credits with "people" played over Moe saving people with the flying fan machine. I didn't get it as a kid, i'm not sure if i really get it now, but damn i laugh hysterically every time i see it

OH MY GAWD!!! RACISM = POWER + PRIVILEGE which means that my bigotry is justified while yours is harmful to society! FUCKING EDUCATE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111

NO! NO! NO! NO! Fraternities are places where white men learn how to rape minorities! GAWD! Fucking educate yourself!!!!

no, Beck's ties to scientology has been well known for a long time. Mission Hill even made fun of it…

because she's racist…