pink bits


Where I'm from that's what Cream Drops are called by the old racist people, so when he started cracking nuts I was confused. I guess different areas of the country use their racist treat nicknames on different food items.

Me and my boyfriend when we get drunk. That's who.

YES! I am fully behind this cause.

She mentioned it was her duty to "propagate the blood line," which making new were-panthers by biting wouldn't do, right?

Scrawler: I love Arnold to death and hope to eat at one of his restaurants when I pass through Nashville next week. Then again, I've been a fag hag since birth, so I might be biased.

The Chef Instructor
Does anyone else suspect that the chef instructor lady is actually a robot? So far she seems to have zero personality whatsoever. Hopefully soon they'll show a weird audition tape clip of her talking about her severe drug addiction in an attempt to make her more interesting.

I bet they'll keep the Georgia chick on longer than necessary just because she's bitchy. It makes drama, and producers like drama. I say Jacqueline goes next. She made low fat, gritty liver mousse and said she'd made it hundreds of times but didn't nail it due to not having a recipe. I'm pretty sure all the chefs

I'll definitely have to check out one of his restaurants while in town if I can. I'm sure they'll be extra crowded now that the show has started.

Shoot! What a let down. I'll have to see if it's still on my Tivo and check that out. I was thinking it was something more interesting.

Yeah, you could tell from her accent she's not from Georgia.

John looked like a crazy Where's Waldo. I was hoping he'd stick around for awhile, especially after that scene where he was writing in a notebook and ignoring all the other chefs who were in the kitchen. I can just see some of the more reserved chefs trying to work with him in a team challenge and getting pissed.

Have you eaten at his restaurant? I'm going to be in Nashville next month and might hit it up.

I can't believe
that gritty, low-fat chicken liver mousse beat a lackluster dessert. I was totally counting on Jacqueline being the first one to go.

Yep. I think it got started as a joke by one of the preps, but then the rednecks were actually into the song and it got voted in by a landslide.

Here I Go Again
was the senior song or whatever you call it of my graduating class in high school. I should add that this was in 2001 and it was actually voted in by the class.

And a side of chocolate gravy!

Jimmy Dean Sausage
is for Southern people to eat for breakfast with their steak and eggs.

I'm sure it will come up later in the season. Or maybe that's too obvious. Hmmm…

I was waiting for her to read her brother's mind and see that he was the one that shot Eggs.