pink bits

I live somewhere that has a defective work ethic and it pretty much rocks. If it's nice outside everyone takes off of work and goes outside. If it snows you just wander in whenever you feel like it in ratty jeans and boots. If it's Friday you probably get to go home at 2:00. My boss apologizes if I actually have

This dude's parents are so incredibly proud.

I even said we could rotate who was in the middle!

I'm trying to get a costume of this ready for Halloween. Unfortunately none of my friends will agree to wear it with me. What's with them?

Sorry, Christopher Mintz-Plasse has already been cast.

Better Idea
They should get Diablo Cody to direct it and Ellen Page to be Cleopatra. A snarky Cleopatra! Instant hit!

repressed grandmas love it.
My extremely religious, southern Baptist grandmother eats this shit up and I can't figure out why. I mean, she thinks owls and snakes are evil beasts from the Devil, but teenage vampire werewolf love babies get her all excited.

Apparently Mr. Adams is refuting this claim. From his facebook:

This movie totally fucking sucked. When the credits started rolling a dude in the theater I was in let out a huge frustrated scream. I think the entire theater agreed. All seven of us.

really? that would be a tough decision then. i wonder how long filming/competition lasts.

I think Kevin just has a chance to compete to be on the team for the Bocuse D'or. He's not automatically on the team.

I almost feel bad for Preeti. Kind of like how Casey screwed it up for that Hootie Hoo chick that one season.

i think so. and i'm sure they get paid something to be on the show, right? it seems like a lot of time to put in and not be compensated at all besides any quickfire prizes you might or might not win.

i ate there a few weeks ago and i totally agree. it was packed, delicious, had a great atmosphere, great bar, and the service was impeccable.

i totally agree. i do like that they had to do a dessert, though.

viewer favorite
At least we know Kevin has like a 99% chance of winning the Viewer Favorite award. Isn't that another $10,000?

Kevin's team

he could just be trolling. i refuse to believe it.

I went to Atlanta a few weekends ago to eat at Kevin's restaurant and it was the absolute BEST FOOD I have ever had in my life. I got the chef's vegetarian tasting menu and it. was. so. good. I swear to christ the mushrooms tasted just like fried porkchops.

Am I the only person that really liked Urban Cowboy?