Peameal Bacon

Maybe, @avclub-9ad2f925a32643f541b183503f33a8c6:disqus  , but you don't know George Meyer.  I mean he's so funny they hooked him up to a big computer to try to teach it some things, but he had so much humour, it overloaded, and then it got really hot and caught on fire!

Like on Mad Men where Harry pitches a prime time special starring "Broadway Joe" in a musical salute to Dow Chemical?

Is it like Steve Martin's All-Natural Penis Beauty Cream?

You should go back to 5 seconds before you posted that blunder, and tell yourself to follow @avclub-b210215075f68e712aa3d04c9269aea8:disqus 's correction.

And the patriarchal, racist system would have gotten away with it, too, if it weren't for those pesky kids!

$450!  I won't pay it. I had no idea it would be so much.

the kind of non-book type people who seem to be in denial about the fact that they're into a HIGH FANTASY EPIC and want to distance themselves as far from the idea of the books as possible.

Yeah, I've seen "Quit bragging that you've read a 1000 page book."

@Garrison  Has Jon Stewart read the ASOIAF books?  I know he made his sarcastic "Spoiler Alert.  Oh, just read the damn books!" comment, but that could just be no more than a joke.

I love the reaction that I have seen a few times: "Congratulations on reading a 1000-page book!  Anyone could have done that. Now stop showing off by mentioning it."

Words are wind.


Maybe she was dead/imaginary the whole time!

That's gold!

Reborn amidst salt and smoke?  Sounds about right.

Well, no.  The 'theory' is utter bullshit.

I can't find the video online, but I like the skit where Tammy (the vapid pop superstar who is Buddy Cole's creation) and the Queen have a feud, which starts when they both attend a ceremony at the oldest pickle factory in Ontario, is flamed on by the press, and ends when they bump into each other at a laundromat.

Couldn't it also give worms to ex-boyfriends?


He's having some di-ffic-ul-ty gettin the salt.