the way everything seems a little bit dated but still somehow current.
the way everything seems a little bit dated but still somehow current.
Sticking together is what good waffles do.
McBain, you suck.
Yet you’re also right that the word “fag,” which has largely been scrubbed from TV in the last several years, now feels more shocking than “shit”
I hope someone got fired for that blunder.
I wonder if that scene is confusing for Germans watching the Simpsons.
I don't know. I haven't seen the movie. But… probably? Sure.
2 or 3 times as many people commented on Doctor Who episodes as the equally excellent Orphan Black episodes
Beth, who was probably making something like $50,000 a year
It started life with the working title "Snakes on a Plane", with the assumption that that would never be the official, public title. I assume that other movies may do that, like maybe Air Force One was called "President Harrison Ford kicks ass" during early stages of production and shooting until it was given a…
Yes, I think the creators of this story came up with it the same way that Karl Pilkington invents his games, such as "The Rice is Right" and "Big Mother". And with similar results in terms of quality.
I just assumed he was a cheater back then, too, so watching it now isn't any different for me.
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"Webster's Dictionary defines cannibal as…"
@SisterMaryFrancis:disqus - too soon!
Are you an old-timey prospector? Garnsarnit!
I don't remember there being much call to spell penis when I was pre-school age.
I'm just trying to figure out if she's the red herring (i.e. is the possibility too obvious?)