Snugglesaurus Rex


…Also, she's Romana.

My favorite Lines:

Yeah, @ Tiden, I guess the rest of the series will be a flashback. Its a way to bring back past Doctors.


It was an A- for the comedic bits, and a C for the alien plot.

The Doctor has always been a bit off in social situations. This seems to be the first time he's tried to pass for a normal human without actually turning himself physically into one.

It's why lesbians are fatter than straight women, and straight men are fatter than gay men. Women tend not to care as much about appearance as men, and so there's less pressure to be thin from people that date women. It's all sciencey and stuff.

The Trial is one of my favorites
I had an opposite reaction when I first watched The Trial & Reunion because I thought the actors sold the Darla Angel relationship so well. It's a bit of subtext retcon to have him so worked up over Darla, as he killed her without a second thought once already, but Benz and Boreanaz

Gillian Anderson Sells It.
It was nice switch to have a female lead that was smarter than the male lead. And Gillian Anderson was great in these episodes.

Somehow the top of my previous post disappeared.

I can also think of some Beethoven piano sonatas that would not suck in that spot, but can't remember which ones.


Yes the Christopher Eccleston stuff is good. I just had to talk a friend down from quiting after Eccleston left. "I don't like the new guy." he said. "That's part of the process of watching Doctor Who." I said.

Bow ties are cool.

Best Use of a Time Machine Ever
How huge was it that it was the Doctor's idea to take Vincent forward in time? I was shocked at the time, but now I think it was more of an accident. After 4 years of being told that the Doctor needed human companions to keep his holy rage in check, and to imbue him with compassion,

It's also a time travel series, but in the moment, from The Doctor's perspective Rory is gone.

I've felt otherwise. This season has had tons of great character moments, but after Davies era this one seems to have much lower stakes. I'm comfortable with that.

Nobody thinks that it sucks even more that Rory was erased from existence? That's pretty brutal in my opinion.

They chickened out because they wanted to show that time could be rewritten by having Amy and Rory waving in the beginning, and just Amy waving in the end.