Snugglesaurus Rex

OK. All y'all stop. It's time to recognize. The story of River Song is one that has never been old before. We get to witness in broadcast time, a totally unique tale. I've read a lot, and I've seen a lot. This shit is new shit. It deserves some attention. That's all. I'm drunk. River Song's story is completely unique

Lines that I wish were in this episode:

Shocking-secret-identity-twist is shocking because it makes no sense. God, that was the most tired, boring, hackneyed twist in the history of anything ever. A random number generator may have picked May's husband as the killer, but there's no reason to believe his character is Lash from previous episodes. It's a lame

The title of this review is total trolling. I'll avoid the by-line of Michael D'Angelo from now on.

I assume malice when the people the people that do the damage make tons of money. Like the rich did as a result of trickle-down. Reaganites fucked the world on purpose, and laughed the whole time.

Yeah. Weirds me out too. The thing is, the survival of those characters based on those wounds with ambulances on the way is the least unrealistic thing in this show. Really. If that bothers someone, they should go hunt for Hannibal's murder staff and fleet of vans.

We have not got to the punchline yet. Alana Bloom has become Hannibal to a degree. Will Graham sailed the Atlantic to find Hannibal. Doctor Chilton has copyrighted the name 'Hannibal the Cannibal'. Large groups of smart people have sat in a room figuring out what it is they want to show to us. They've earned our

Look up the decline in homicides in New York since the early eighties vs. attempted homicides. The decline Republican Governors took credit for was all due to improvements in medical technology and logistics. There is an ignored society of people constantly improving your chance to survive traumatic injury, and have

Where you live sucks. You should cook it and eat it.

go watch the end of last season fool. Captain America would watch the end of last season. Ginger paparazzi lady turned into an octopus and drove off in a mustang that was also a giraffe; had weird black wiggly marked tan fur and everything. Every fool knows that.

Move to Northern Europe. Secular Humanity, the force that has created the modern world is strong there. The Aristocracy that has nearly cause humanities extinction is still fighting against fairness, equality, reality, and science in America. Secular Humanism is so much more successful than any other philosophy,

So many countries have succeeded where you claim impossibility, due to the USA's incompetency and weakness, that it makes me think you should move to a country where a fair and just and human healthcare system is impossible, like. Fuck, I can't think of a country that is as beyond human decency as josh rob thinks the

Every Republican out there is shooting goo if the White Walkers kill everyone and win. Psychic-slave zombies are the ideal American to Republicans. They provide cheap labor. They don't have to worry about individuals wanting something different than dictated by authority in order to be happy, or… you know, affordable

At the last minute, Beth gives up her life like a stupid bitch-ass punk, and everything she lived through and that we've watched is now a lie. She died a cipher who's sole reason to exist was to give a man someone to shoot. Suddenly she was too impulsive and incompetent to even get rescued by the heroes. She's a

(Not sure what to make of that copy of Treating Survivors Of Childhood Abuse in her bag. A remnant from before? A hint that Ed wasn’t the first bastard to enter her life?)

Think of the stupidest human being you can…. Then realize, no matter how brilliant you are, your mind can never grasp the infinity of possible ways there are to be an idiot. Truly the ways to be wrong about basic reality outstrip the ways to understand it by a near infinity. Now realize that Hal Jordan, if he is

I love the idea of telling stories about different characters in this world in the space of one episode. I lovey love loves it! There's going to be thousands of fucked up societies in this world. Walking dead could be a pretend Cambrian Explosion of human social models. But Beth planning to kill

I took it as a 'if it's happening to you, it's up to you.' thing, but every crevice of the 'abortion' theme was given fair play. I could have done without the cynical view of humanity thing. Not for a kids show.

Dude, it would be fine if human brains always operated perfectly, everyone was always rational, and no-one ever had any mental illness.

It's been awhile, but really isn't it authority branding objective thinking as mental illness the problem?