Snugglesaurus Rex

I'm really starting to worry about kids that watch this show. Is Doctor Who priming a new generation of hyper-dramatic crystal-waving anti-science loonies? If everything is the end of the world, nothing makes any sense at-all, and you are not capable of comprehending any of it, what's the takeaway for a kid from

"We are Groot?"

I think The Avengers is like an diver in the Olympic Games. If you attempt a triple-spin quadruple-sideways-gainer, you get a couple extra points for difficulty over another diver that simply jumped in the water, but executed that jump perfectly.

There's a ship about to blow up England. The Doctor stands still for a few minutes and watches two men sword-fight over a pit of molten gold that the robots need to take off, but didn't use, and are taking off anyway despite the fact that they are going to blow up England and themselves.

Ha Ha! Someone that is male may be attracted to other human beings with male genitalia! That's fucking hilarious, and so shameful for the poor human male to whom this jape was directed. He must surely deny that he was ever interested in the genitalia of member of his own gender! Those South Park guys are at the

Amy Pond was the best developed character in the history of the show. She got some great jokes, all of the emotional arcs were about hers. She grew and changed massively over her time on the show. River Song developed too, but it seems like all those times the writers told us it was back to front, no one listened. She

In that kind of hypocrisy, they have plenty of gentile company. Anybody that prioritizes a political goal over fairness and truth falls into the same trap, and ultimately discredits themselves.

Maher is pro-equal pay, pro lgbt equality, pro-choice, pro paid maternity leave, he's less a sexist asshole than everyone at FOX News, and the entirety of the Republican Party. Let's get angry about people that are actually doing things that harm us rather than comedians that actually advocate for equality for

Suicide bombers aren't cowards. Studio Executives are. The Government was trying to whip up the public to go to war. The TV Channels cooperated whole-hardheartedly in pumping out the propaganda. Bill Maher said something that contradicted the Government narrative, and got fired for it.

After being built up as an equal to Hannibal, Will Graham trips up like a punk. His vaunted creativity and intelligence amount to the same as any person wandering off the street being surprised that the expensive psychotherapist in the local mansion happens to also be a serial killer. Only Will Graham does know how

The last scenes were the most effective twist ever because no one ever has written a scene in which the main character comes home and tucks in his kids and goes to bed with his wife as a twist. and Surprise! He's boringly normal! Seriously. The last scene completely subverts the narrative of the antihero. So the pilot

Yeah. I cried. I'm not ashamed. Everybody had great defining character moments. Cookies, parachutes, kicking in doors, staying with the dying man, disobeying direct orders, I hope the upturn in quality translates to viewership.

Yes, Tina Fey destroyed Sarah Palin by quoting her verbatim in the skits. When are Republicans going to start taking personal responsibility for their actions? They need to stop laying around whining about being destroyed, pull themselves up by their bootstraps and learn to talk like people.

Were we seriously trying to set up a thematic resonance between convincing your younger brother he's an android, and keeping Clara's secret past lives from her? Did I just see the chompers gag from Galaxy Quest presented with a straight face? Am I somehow to go along with the idea that spending a few minutes in the

Amy Sedaris
Margaret Cho
Wanda Sykes
Sarah Silverman

So they killed their token homo as ingloriously and as quickly as possible.  Plus his partner Loris got his ass kicked for the soul purpose of proving how awesome the straight reader's Amazon fantasy is. It's clear now what the writers behind Game of Thrones think of gay men.  We are too frivolous to wield power, and

"My God!  It looks like a swastika made out of penises!"

I'm completely on board with 30 Rock's recent shift deeper into magic-surrealist comedy.  I also tend to like popular bands 'experimental' albums more than I like the albums that made them famous.

How did people make themselves feel cool for no reason before the internet?

What you envision would indeed be horrible.  Sam and Dean are always on the move though.  They wouldn't all live in the same house diluting the time we spend with the characters the show is built around.  There needs to be recurring characters though.  All Sam and Dean all the time would be boring.