Mel might be my favorite racer ever. I'm pulling for him, but given his age, Justin and Zev are my back-ups.
Mel might be my favorite racer ever. I'm pulling for him, but given his age, Justin and Zev are my back-ups.
I would argue that had Season 1's Rob and Brennon (sp?) and that other couple not made a checkpoint they were clearly not supposed to make leaving the Guidos far, far behind, the bunch-ups would have taken a lot longer to evolve. As it is, for both financial and security reasons, they can't have the teams strung out…
Au contraire, I love it when a team effortlessly sails through puzzle challenges because they work methodically or just have good general knowledge. The Chinese-speaking brother-sister team a few years back killed challenges like that because they were clearly smart and well-educated. Even though he was a total, bossy…
I too liked Jet & Cord their first season because they didn't melt down and scream blame at each other (my first criteria for favored teams), and they genuinely seemed to be enjoying themselves as opposed to be being hyper-competitive and missing out on the adventure (2nd criteria).
IIRC, Toni and Dallas were in the montage of possible teams they aired awhile back, obviously didn't make the cut. I would have liked to have seen them as he seemed kind of dickish, but then turned out to be nice (at least as edited) and then he cried cause he disappointed his mom, awwww.
I too would like continuing coverage, but please write more than just ep summaries. Let's talk about strategy, stupidity (both plain ignorance and outright dumbassery), and other things that start with "S". Cookie Monster could maybe bring Grover to help with that last one.
I'll admit that "Dead Man's Party" is a good song to at least make-out passionately. Such great horns. Britta's mom isn't so weird.
Anyone seen the "adult" Henson show "Puppet Up"? Lots of Muppet-style humor, but with a healthy dose of sexual references and curse words.
Muppets (and I include Sesame St. characters) are frequently critical and risque in non-scripted TV appearances. When they spend most of their time being wholesome, I figure they need to left off a little steam. I can't recall which show it was on, but several years ago I recall Brian Henson-as-Kermit as being…
This "spider bite" diagnosis must be a regional thing. At the ER where I worked in Austin, the patients would state their complaint as "spider bite" but we'd always just substitute "skin infection" as it was usually MRSA (antibiotic resistant staph). You'd be laughed out of the profession if you claimed that bacteria…
CC is based on scripts, or so I heard on a podcast (of course a standup comedian used to work at a CC service) because they take awhile to do. Are live CC done with voice recognition software?
Immediately I said out loud, "Community did it!" And then was ashamed of myself. Though, on reflection, Chang in Jeff's arms was cuter.
What I liked is that "Don't Fear the Reaper" was playing at the police pizza party when Ron and Tammy agreed to go talk it out. Subtle and hilarious.
See this is why Pierce is the the only character that hasn't earned my affection. He's too much like Chase's reputation and I just can't stand grown jerks who lash out at others because they're inner child is sad. I'm no personal responsibility nut, but I'm not going to sympathize with a rich, educated, straight white…
I found myself conflating Pierce and Chevy in the episode, and liking neither. Maybe because I recently had a conversation about the well-documented dickish-ness of Chase. Too much bleed over between fantasy and reality.
Me three, for the same reasons. Frontline is a great program and I'm glad TV Club is getting the word out.
Is that what we were eating?! Blargh.
Oh Cookie Monster, you're so reasonable. Have you been eating low glycemic-index treats?
Todd please please write a review that's only 1172 words long, then pad it out by repeating "no matter what the hell I think" four times.
Thank goodness Abed didn't say out loud something like, "What do you mean we white man?" All done with a perfect deadpan. Pudi is so very good.