Haven't read the book myself, but based on one of the Houston Press articles, he's a quality writer and one I'd read a whole book by. Lord I have terrible grammar at this time of the morning.
Haven't read the book myself, but based on one of the Houston Press articles, he's a quality writer and one I'd read a whole book by. Lord I have terrible grammar at this time of the morning.
My lord Steph5555, "He had only one bottom and a couple of tops before the elimination episode." You make it sound like he's running some sort of sparsely-populated, gay bordello that fell on hard times when some client went water-sports crazy.
I was sorely disappointed that JD appeared to be cast more for drama than quality. I can't stand petty squabbling in the few reality shows I watch. Makes it hard to find anyone for whom to cheer. I missed the middle eps, but damn if Danielle didn't impress me in the finals. I'd visit her shop in a second.
Bourdain was the icing on the looking-pretty-great cake of this season. I'd heard about the first elimination challenge and was completely on board; Bourdain's brutal but fair honesty is a welcome balance to the oft raging egos represented here.
Struggling Writer is correct in the possibility for HIV transmission via splash, it's unlikely but if a known HIV-infected patient's blood splashed on even intact skin, the splashee would be prescribed precautionary meds and be closely watched via lab tests. The comparison between potential zombie virus and HIV…
Studies have shown that sleep cycles are radically altered if the subjects aren't exposed to sunlight (or sun-mimicking lights). Less so if they stick to a rigorous schedule by alarm clock. Staying awake for 24 hours or sleeping for 18, that sort of thing. So researcher dude is right in principle, except he'd probably…
I think you'll find ample evidence in the comments that even fans of the comic will admit that the dialogue is frequently terrible. So, "well-written" might need a couple qualifiers in describing The Walking Dead comic.
I love Florence, but man that was a disappointment. I'm going to assume her earpiece monitor was on the fritz because she was seriously out-of-tune last night for both songs. Sounded in-tune with herself, just off from the music. And also a lack of energy, nothing like the ravishing performance on whatever MTV awards…
Just finished reading the last Sherlock recap + comments and stumbled onto something. Jeff made the, by now rather cliche, Sherlockian observation about eliminating the possible, etc. Turns out, Doyle wrote a not well regarded Sherlock story where the solution was essentially monkey serum. Yay! TV Club comments for…
Yes, that's the name of the monkey. In Contemporary American Poultry aka Chicken Fingers Mafia, Troy uses his acquires a monkey thusly named. Abed set it free where upon, according to the monkey (who achieved sentience, a web-enabled device, and a Twitter feed along the way) it lived in the duct work and stole food…
The recent mice studies showing that traumatic experiences might be able to be physically erased are promising for people with PTSD, though of course I can also see that being abused a la Eternal Sunshine or Dollhouse. I remember several veterans suffering from PTSD (in addition to other problems) when I worked at a…
The monkey was obscure, but not all that random. The whole cast, in character, had Twitter feeds before the season began (thanks AV Club for cluing in the Twitter-less) and Annie's Boobs had one documenting his life in the ducts and constant pilfering. That's a long way to go for a joke, but Harmon apparently loves to…
I was already laughing about the reappearance of Annie's Boobs when I remembered that Annie's Boobs has (had?) a Twitter feed that chronicled it's life in the vents, and I moved on to cry-abdominal spasm-laughing. Jeez what a great episode.
Other reasons Stephin went with Nonesuch was the better opportunities for getting film music work and the closer musical kinship with Sondheim and Laurie Anderson vs. Merge folks.
God bless ya if you can actually pull that off with the body and the anchor tattoo and the mustache etc.
Henry Rollins+man crush turns up more than a few search hits.
This review prompted me to try to teach a couple people at work how to sing xoomei in the bathroom - the reverb in a tiled room really helps.
Yes to all this. Genghis Blues is a wonderful introduction. I dream of getting a xoomei lesson from Kongar-ol himself on the steppes of Tuva.
Forum question
Why did the Forum collections always have a few guy-on-guy letters solely concerned with oral sex (and never any other, er, activities)? I'm not complaining, it was a relief actually, but man was it weird to see this regular feature in an otherwise very hetero jerk mag. Was the public crying out for…
Here here for speaking the truth. I will always think of Plano as the home of a spate of late 80s high school copycat suicides, a lucrative drug dealing ring financed and headed by teenagers, and the popular/discrete abortion clinic. Oh hypocritical Plano and your moneyed, bored, narcissistic populace.