
I disagree with Dell Cousins' comment (many posts ago) that Annette Benning's character in American Beauty was entirely unsympathetic. She was incredibly obnoxious and unlikeable, but she was also rather tragic and pathetic, and there were occasional signs that she had once been likeable. That was the great thing

Under the Banner of Heaven
Is an excellent book about the history of the Mormon church, including a shocking crime in 1984 perpetrated by two Mormon brothers. I highly recommend it.
Also, there was a case in the 1990's in which an adult video store was opened in a predominantly Mormon town (In Utah, I believe), and

Children of Jehovah's Witnesses have very high suicide rates - not surprisingly.

I still don't understand
How ice is supposed to melt stone.

I was going to say that too, but I figured someone would probably have beaten me to it.

My idea for a sequel….
Would be "South Central Chihuahua….Straight Outta Compton." I was inspired after seeing a chihuaha in a blue hooded jacket that made him look like a Crip. (Well, as much as a chihuaha can look like a Crip.) I think this has the potential to be the worst movie of all time.

And it was kind of funny when she ate the big spoonful of wasabi and then started talking like a normal person.

The Huffington post recently offered an explanation…
for the popularity of the books among middle-aged women went something like this: A lot of middle-aged women have been let down by men over and over, and there are so many whiny, pathetic, philandering, self-absorbed men in the news lately (i.e. Mark Sanford,

Correction: a romance novel with "shampires." (Fake vampires.)

Someone coined the term "shampires" to describe the series - that's a perfect term.

Remember Kid Krist from the Andy Dick show? "She's no stranger to my manger, say a prayer my soul's in danger." I enjoyed that one.

The douchiness factor would also be increased if the guy from Creed was in it. He and Kid Rock were in some sex tape together getting bjs from 4 hookers a few years ago. Too douchebaggy for words.

I didn't mean that Michael Jackson only had 15 minutes of fame, I just meant that Warhol's comment was a prophetic commentary on our current society with youtube and "reality" shows and whatnot. The first quote applied to Michael Jackson, the second quote applies to society in general.

I don't know, but I do know that Larry the Cable Guy has made some very witty and sophisticated puns on the term "Shi'ites."

Andy Warhol was right

And then they'll become bizarre, insane, drug-addicted pedophiles.

Don't forget Taye Diggs in "How Stella Got here Groove Back." The only good part of a really lame movie.
But yes, generally men - straight or gay - are much more into nude scenes than women. Most people who buy "Playgirl" are gay men, so it should be called "Playgayman."

It doesn't seem fair…
THat Kate had 8 kids and is expected to look super fit and trim, whereas Jon didn't have any kids and gets away with looking like he's about to give birth to sextuplets. Don't get me wrong, I can't stand either of them, but there is something really wrong with that double standard.

I haven't heard a lamer use of fake irony since that godawful Alanis Morissette song came out in the late 90's.