
And Fresh Green Peaness

I know, who wants to be like Europe with their cost-saving universal health care and higher life expectancies and lower rates of every major illness? America….fuck yeah!

Futurama was a highly underrated show.

OK, so you're an investment banker….that don't impress me much.
This whole thing made me think of that godawful song, and now I can't get it out of my head.

The Pee-Wee Herman clock
the Washington Post had a contest years ago called the Style Invitational (maybe they still do) where people had to come up with humorous entries around a certain topic, and the prize was always something ridiculous. One of their prizes was a Pee-Wee Herman clock that said on it, "Oh Boy!

I saw a large portion of the roast, until I couldn't stand it anymore. Kathy Griffin was relatively amusing, though I've seen better from her. But then you had Gilbert Gottfried making jokes about child molesting, in his horrible, horrible voice - it was more than I could stand.

Also, Vanilla Ice went on some celebrity boxing show a few years ago, and apparently Willis from "Diff'rent Strokes" kicked his ass. Which was awesome.

Yes, but karaoke listeners bring the suffering upon themselves. Anyone who goes to a karoke bar should know that they're going to hear off-key renditions of cheesy, annoying songs.

Agreed - all I noticed was that it was horribly annoying. But the oedipal overtones seem pretty obvious now.

Fucking Massholes.

The Onion falsely accuses Matthew Broderick's character of statutory rape
The AV club says that Matthew Broderick's character in Election commits statutory rape, which is NOT true if my memory of the movie serves me correctly. His character has some bizarre thoughts of Reese Witherspoon's character while having sex

I like the Far Side cartoon where Dick Clark ages 10,000 years in 10 seconds.

check out this "rad" blast from the past:

Yes, and the looks on the kids' faces were priceless.

Also, true Christian values involve being a bleeding-heart, pacificist socialist - because that's what Jesus was. People like Mark Sanford are at the opposite extreme of Christian values in every possible way.

Clarence Thomas was a sleazebag, and Susan Smith murdered her children. So maybe old-fashioned names are overrated.

To make it extra trashy and ridiculous, the name should be spelled KlammiDeeeea ChamPain. I also think Fellonee might be a good reality show name.

NBA player LaVelcro Simmons seems to have done OK for himself.

Yes, the Orangello and Lemonjello story reeks of urban legand.

My church was turned into an Abercrombie and Fitch.
Stephen Colbert did a great parody of NOM's previous ad. Colbert is the greatest. If I were a guy I would totally gay-marry him. I can't wait to see what he does with their latest ad.