
Also there was no help whatsoever available for children who were being abused (and plenty were) in two-parent heterosexual families in the "good old days."

In fairness, they do say in the commercial that there's nothing funny about cramps. So they're at least sort of acknowledging how unfunny the commercial is.

Robin Williams says that the duck-billed platypus is proof that God does drugs. And he would know.

Agreed - one could drive a truck through the holes in that argument.

I thought Dan in Real Life was super-boring.

I Know Why the Mounted Fish Sings by Manny Angelo
This reminded me of an Onion classic

There was also a Kennedy who died a few years ago in a skiing accident. It is a dangerous sport.

The most annoying thing about Guy Fieri is when he wears his sunglasses on the back of his head. I don't know what he's thinking with that.

agreed - she seems incredibly depressed to me.

It's also not racist because this is what all of her food is like. She apparently thinks that all people should eat like this.
She also strikes me as a very, very sad person. I find her show terribly depressing.

Sweet fish can be great -i.e., maple-glazed salmon. Gefilte fish is very unappetizing, however. My dad and I came up with a new name for gefilte fish - "Spam of the Sea."