
Glasses on, hair short!

I gotta be truthful, here: More than once I've thought "Put the glasses back on!" Hollywood's generic nerd girl is better than generic hot girl.

I really liked Eye on the Lost Highway soundtrack.

Nailed it.

Finally got around to watching The Grand Budapest Hotel last night. Hilarious. I want to go as Zero in his Lobby Boy uniform for Halloween.

That's the spirit of speedunning! Go as slowly as possible!

Your position is that a speedrunner should complete the game more slowly?

I had that same bundle, except my parents also bought a stand-alone copy of Mario, so I had that, too. I played the entirety of Gyromite one afternoon by myself - no ROB and no second player.

I haven't bothered to watch Beyond the Black Rainbow yet. Should I?

I don't know if it's physiological or cognitive, but I have difficulty parsing speech sometimes. When I watch things at home, I regularly use headphones and/or subtitles to ease this as much as possible. Because of that, I'm very noise-sensitive, to the point where, at the theater, I hesitate before reaching into the

This isn't an option for me, but Sunday mornings tend to work out pretty well in my heavily-Christian city.

Phone calls are for things that merit instant response. Texts are for things that can wait. Don't kids know this?

It's so frustrating when my wife decides to "watch Hannibal" and then opens up her laptop. I end up having to give plot summaries after every episode - "You noticed that Hannibal [did dastardly thing], right?"

I usually wait for the trade paperbacks.

This sounds like the exact sort of thing that I would love and my wife would write off as "hippie crap". Bring it on!

Google confirms this. Samm Levine is clearly 11.5 years old.

Even in the photo at the top of this article - 12 years old, definitely.

That would be Panic! at the Disco, poser. They hail from the school of nonsensically placed punctuation, along with Godspeed You! Black Emperor.

We called one of my classmates Minkus for a year or two in Jr High. I don't think he took it as a compliment, but I'm not convinced it was one, anyway.

The album is super-solid all the way through, for sure, and Poor Places is a fantastic song. I'll sing along to as much of every song as I'm capable of(both in vocal talent and lyrical memory). My pick for favorite would have to I'm the Man Who Loves You. In my early experience with the album it was easily my least