
You forgot to add the President to that list.

The fact that this review is about her full third album (not counting all the EPs) immediately indicates that she's not just a one hit wonder. Just saying…

Will.I.Am has been allowed to ruin far too many otherwise enjoyable songs.

I spent MANY hours around that time debating which Spice Girl was the best. I was staunchly pro-Baby, while everyone else seemed to be more pro-Sporty.

I lean more towards Quinn/The Fashion Club, but that's mostly due to their constant commentary on late '90s fashion.

For me it's The Fat of the Land by The Prodigy. "Firestarter" still instantly transports me back to 1997. The whole album blew my 10 year old mind, most likely because my life had been filled primarily with Spice Girls and Beach Boy albums until that point.

I spent most of 1997 trying to convince my parents to buy me a pair of platform runners, a la The Spice Girls, eventually wearing them down and getting a pair. To this day, it's probably one of my more successful negotiations.

"'The Potato Soup.' Eat it!"

The Deconstructed EP is my personal favorite. She's got a great voice, and her music is genuinely interesting when she's allowed to have some say in what she's releasing.

On the Line?

The twist: The whole thing is made with Windows Movie Maker.

Also the Skyfall font where all the numbers are guns.

AHS: The Cutting Room Floor

I look forward to the movie with 175 main characters all requiring equal screen time.

I could support that theory. Especially if that young girl grew up to be Buffy Summers.

Dance, Hedwig, dance!

Wait until all the shared universes become one MEGA SHARED UNIVERSE.

My favorite part about that is that the aliens had clearly sent scouts ahead (based on all the alien footage broadcast on TV), and that said scouts failed to recognize that the planet was almost entirely water and the mass invasion happened anyways. You had one job, alien scouts.

Well, it is Shyamalan…

Also the whole "aliens are attacking, but luckily they'll be gone when we wake up for some reason," from Signs.