
The real problem is that people these days are TOO educated.

I was saying boo-urns.

In my experience, people who choose to march in a mob with torches generally aren't 'good people.'

That damned "Alt-Left," always talking about how people should have equal rights regardless of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or religion. Don't even get me started on their arguments for strong education and healthcare systems which are accessible to all. What the fuck is their problem?

I'm feeling the exactly same way - I'm sitting at my desk feeling horribly dejected and overwhelmed. Times are horrifically, outstandingly shitty right now, but we need to remember that we're all in this together. Although the world sort of feels like a massive tire fire right now, it's important to try to remember


Perfect. Let's get this pitched to Discovery, stat.

There is no such thing as a good Nazi.

I noticed that too. Oh, the delicious, sad, sad, irony.

They really don't, as shown in that clip of the Nazi hitting that woman over the head. Seriously, fuck those people.

Only if we can send Kellie Leitch too.

Or Nordstrom. Or Rosie O'Donnell. Or the number of people at his inauguration.

Part of that has to be the internet right? Jokes aside, it's got to have made it easier for these Nazi dickheads to find each other and coordinate events.

They're the only option when you've failed that pesky background check.

No, no, no. Us Canadians don't want him either.

Well, that was jarring.

Typical millennials, bringing the economy to its knees by refusing to spend their money on anything but avocados.

Their real mistake was not being the ones to come up with the pasta bread bowl.

Complaining about Nazis' rights to free speech? That's a paddlin'.