
Ugh, thanks for bringing up those feelings again. I'd finally moved on from that particular disappointment.

Solid as a rock.

Pobody's Nerfect, amirite?

I used to be pro Scott/Knives, but I've changed my mind. Knives deserves so much better than Scott. He really should have just ended up alone at the end.

Agreed. The original The Shop Around the Corner makes the relationship so much more believable. But it does have the advantage of starring Jimmy Stewart, so…

But Sandy would have been with Danny even if he wasn't an athlete. He ditched her at the beginning of the movie because he was worried about what his friends would think, so she moved on to someone else who happened to be a jock. She liked him for who he was right from the beginning; he chose to change himself in a

I always hated that Sandy had to completely change herself to ultimately fit in with her friends and get the guy. That group of people spends the whole movie mocking her for being so innocent and wholesome, instead of just accepting her for who she is.

It would have been better if he was the asshole prep-jock at a ski resort though.

Ron is the most down-to-earth and human of the characters. It's refreshing that there was a main character who wasn't "special" like his friends were, but that they loved and accepted him just the same. Being a good, caring person is as valuable as anything the other characters bring to the table.

Snape as well.

Agree about Edward and Bella. His aggressive over-protectiveness and her rampant need for validation and obsession with an immortal teenage boy being portrayed as "true love" is gross. The fact that she tries to kill herself when he breaks up with her just shows incredibly unhealthy their relationship is. What a

I'm surprised that they're made with any sort of real meat.

"Quack quack quack." - Donald Trump placating members of the GOP.

It's pretty great, as is the video. Too bad everything released after it has been disappointing.

I gave it a listen for the exact same reason. It's not bad, but it isn't really obvious that it's them.

Glad to see that she had the wherewithal to get Purity Ring and Hot Chip involved. Relatively indifferent about the rest.

Super alt-righters with guns who believe in conspiracy theories. What could possibly go wrong?

"I….I'm not remembering that. I don't think I wrote that one, man."

Sadly, they'd all fit in really well in the current administration.

As long as the McPoyles make an appearance too. The world needs more of Liam's creepy hand-drawn eye and lack of depth perception.