
She invented and heavily promoted something called "Swiftmas," so no, I think you're on the right track.

Although it's harder to make that argument if you've actually watched the documentary. The nephew was pretty obviously coerced into confessing.

It's also where "Vlad the Impaler" got his name, so…

And involves A LOT of helicopter crashes.

Ditto for Paul Rudd.

It was the rain poncho that did it.

I love Netflix, but the second that you start watching depressing documentaries, that's all it recommends. I've watched way too many true crime specials now. It's the most horrific rabbit hole to find yourself in.

It doesn't seem like a huge stretch, since most post-secondary students are in crippling debt. She could either have loans, or blackmail the Reverend for cash, or…they could just not bring it up and we could roll with it because it's fun.

I still watch "Peeno Noir" at least once a week. It never gets old.

Is that a Melissa McCarthy SNL appearance that I spy in the near future?

Melissa-Carol is great, but Tandy-Todd will always be my favorite. The guy shaved half his head and mustache in support of his friend. Between that and sharing an entire freezer of bacon, those two are bonded for life.

It definitely is dumbass, but also a lot of fun. Stuff like watching John Hancock and Sam Adams dance on hover boards is stupid and ridiculous, but also hilarious. The show knows that its absurd, but it rolls with it. I can appreciate that.

Aliens, probably.

Not to mention the re-emergence of vampires circa 2007-2014.

I feel the same way about Roswell. That show was enjoyable too, but it never gets mentioned. I loved that WB lineup!

Yeah, I could generaly care less about Trainor, but those lyrics are fucking creepy. If your mom is saying you should be okay with your body because men enjoy groping your ass at night, you should be questioning your relationship with said parent.

So, is there some sort of connection between FP and Chuck? Chuck seems ready to fight after being kicked out, but then backed off. I couldn't figure out if that was because FP was an adult, or because there was fear because he was a Serpent.

Especially since he generally seems proud of the fact that he's different than the others. He's the artsy loner kid and it doesn't particularly seem like he wants to be anything else.

Maybe that's what he's actually working on on that laptop? The whole movie did sort of have the ring of a teenage fan boy writing it…

Especially since she knew that Chuck was bound to bring up the whole hot tub/ Betty cosplaying as her sister thing.