
Man, that's a horrible way to go out.

Sadly I think I'm going to mourn the loss of this comment section more than the show itself, at this point.

I like to think that the cast members scroll through our comments for laughs, because I'm 100% sure they feel the same way we do. If so, hi Ian!

Yeah, shouldn't he still be in the hospital? He was just got his ass kicked by the Devil last week.

She was writing in that diary A. LOT. as the beginning of S7…

I think it's the only thing they can do, since they didn't get Kai to break the connection between her and Elena, and I suspect Chris Wood isn't back for the finale.

I think Dorian might pull through. He reminds me of Liam from S6, who I expected to die every episode, but who somehow miraculously wandered away unscathed at the end of the season.

We definitely knew it wasn't Katherine since they did everything in their power to hide her face.

I can see this happening. I have a suspicion that Stefan will sacrifice himself, so that he can be "redeemed." And Katherine will go along with it because she'll have him for eternity.

Same. About 3 seasons ago.

Double upvote for the Vikings reference.

I hate watch at this point. I don't know what that says about my priorities in life.

I almost hoped that Bonnie and the twins died in that fire because 1) It would have been unexpected, 2) We all know that this show is going to kill Bonnie off anyways so they can bring back Elena (or that she'll be unconscious for most of the episode for the same reason), and 3) I am super, super, super over the

That was hilariously pathetic. Having to have a full wedding of compelled guests is almost as sad as Jo's bachelorette being only her, Elena, and Bonnie.

It's the exact same thing they did to Caroline by having everyone repeatedly tell her to get over her (completely justified) dislike of Damon because…well…it wasn't convenient for the plot anymore.

Especially since Enzo and Stefan have never liked each other. Most of Enzo's S5 and S6 plotlines revolved around him actively trying to destroy Stefan's life. Now that the guy murdered him he's preaching forgiveness?

Everyone one gets HEALTH INSURANCE!!!!!! You get health insurance! And you get health insurance!

Well, Putin also generally seems "presidential" and still manages to be a dictator, so I don't see why anyone would consider this appearance a success. You can wrap a turd in goldleaf, but it's still a turd.

Flat caps will always be acceptable.

I'm starting to think that Ric is going through a mid-life crisis. Next week he'll be driving a Lamborghini.