
I'm afraid this is what's going to happen. Them going out of their way to hide her face in the promos doesn't bode well for it being Nina.

The more I think about it the more confused I become. A few episodes ago didn't they imply that Cade only had control of people who were trapped in "his" hell? That's why Enzo ended up in Bonnie's dimension instead of with Cade. By that logic, neither Katherine or Kai should have ended up in Cade's "hell" since they

So, I googled Kelly Donovon because I couldn't remember who she was, and the first thing that popped up was the actor Kelly Donovon, who is Nicholas Brendon's twin brother. I would also support him working for Katherine.

The creation of the new prison world was so quickly and haphazardly done that I really hope that it was a ruse and that they just have him chained up in the karaoke bar. Or, more likely, it was just more lazy writing.

These 3 are the only reason I've clung to the coattails of this show. I'll miss them all.

Ugh, and that horrible "Stefan losing his virginity in the woods" scene. #neverforget

One of the highlights of the episodes for me was Kai regularly calling Stefan by the wrong name. It's the little details that make his character wonderful.

That's true. I was bored during their big make-up speech tonight, because we've see this exact thing a hundred times before. They could have used the post-Nina seasons to really expand on their relationship, but they've just treaded water with the same old stuff. Such a wasted opportunity.

I feel like alienating Gemini twins from the outside world is the worst thing you could do. That's what the family has always done, and it's never ended well. Also, teaching your children to ignore/fear the outside world because they're "special" always leads to well adjusted kids, right?

Well to be fair, those characters all had a much more normal upbringing that Kai did. The guy was raised in a family where he knew that he would have to battle his twin to the death. I'm not surprised he went full-sociopath. At least he also recognizes that he's evil. Characters like Caroline show no remorse for the

Kai and Katherine would have been a ship that I would have actually supported. Evil/selfish couples are the most fun.

I hope they just kill Elena off so that Bonnie can live. Now that we know Nina is playing Katherine we really don't need Elena anymore.

The idea that this show is about the brothers is a joke. We would have seen a very different show for the past 2 years (you know, with the brothers interacting with each other regularly) if it was.

I honestly think this show has been more focused on Elena for the two past seasons than it was when she was still on it. It's like the writers don't know how to write these characters unless their only motivation is saving Elena so she can be with Damon.

Does this mean that Nina is back for two episodes, or are we going to spend all of next week just building up to Katherine's return in the finale?

I would have thought that any of the Big Bads from earlier seasons would have been in line before those two since they were more "powerful". Heck, why isn't Tyler running hell then? Seems like it's a free for all.

I think he'd be better if they had brought him back a few episodes earlier. It's like they were trying to jampack in every Kai-ism possible since they only had a couple episodes with him.

Thank you! It honestly seemed like the person who wrote the last 15 minutes of the show didn't read the script for the rest. A magic school? Katherine Pierce is running hell? Cade had a succession plan for if he was killed on earth? That whole section made absolutely no sense.

I feel horrible for Kai being trapped in that prison world. Spin Doctors on repeat forever? He'll break down within a week.

There's been so many random characters killed off on this show that I wouldn't be suprised if there had been one at some point.