
I'm excited that Katherine is returning, but the reason she's back makes no sense. So Cade (aka the Devil) is killed, so the reins are passed to…Katherine Pierce? I mean, Katherine was bad, but Devil bad? It doesn't really tie in with any of her backstory, but whatever, I guess we're just supposed to roll with the

Cheryl referring to the group as "Sad Breakfast Club" was perfect. I don't know if the writers intend to give her all the best lines or if Madelaine Petsch just has the best delivery, but they always seem to work.

Yeah, he definitely isn't "crazy handsome." His absolute paleness and fake red hair make him look like one of the vampires from Twilight.

The soundtrack heavily featuring Elton John definitely helps. As does having Kevin Kline and Kenneth Branagh voice the main characters.

When I was in grade two (back in the innocent times of the early 90s), our class performed Shrek as our class play. I don't remember much about it, except us all being excited/scandalized by the fact that Chris K. (playing Shrek) got to use the word "jackass." I imagine it would rank third on this list.

Well, of course not. It was held in Sweden, after all.

Obviously you've never seen an episode of Ancient Aliens…

Lately Caroline makes her look pretty amazing in comparison…

Stefan's whole "I want to be redeemed but not face any repercussions for what I've done" thing is gross. If he truly felt remorse than he should be doing more than just paying the victims off. He and Caroline are really repelling me right now, and that's not how I want to end the show thinking of them.

I was confused about the file thing too. How could those files be linked back to Stefan unless he had already been listed as a suspect? I also doubt that anyone would believe that a 18 year old kid had committed murders across multiple decades. The jump from "animal attack" to "homicidal immortal teen" seems like a

I don't think that would be much of a surprise though, considering he's almost died in the past 2 episodes.

My biggest laugh of the night was this exchange:

True. But with the amount of times that Stefan has compelled people in the last 8 seasons, it should have been way more than 6 people coming to report him.

Yeah, it really needs to be done. The storylines haven't been final season worthy, and all the promos have taken the surprise out of the finale. Unless they do something huge (like killing off Damon or Elena), I have a feeling the show will fizzle out instead of going out with a bang.

It was ridiculous that Alaric knew that Kai had returned three days ago, yet he couldn't figure out why the twins' magic was suddenly getting out of control. Isn't he supposed to be a expert on the supernatural? Doesn't take a genius to figure this one out.

I was wondering why no one bothered to call Damon to tell him that his brother had been shot and was in the hospital. All the characters are ridiculously disconnected from each other.

Plus that time that she killed the 12 witches. Caroline's got a lot of blood on her hands that she's never really felt bad about.

1) So Stefan is just the new Elena, right? He's almost died twice in just two episodes.

I also suspect that he was leaving town in order to try to be with Polly. There's got to be more to this story than him being an asshole who broke her heart.

Because their hair strikes such a lovely contrast with the perma-gloom of the settings?