
Knowing the track record on these shows, we'll barely see the parents by the third season.

He doesn't need to because he himself is a pop culture reference.

I was disappointed about the treatment of Chuck too! He was the friendly artistic guy in the group, and he and Nancy were in the only consistently normal/healthy relationship in the comics.

She's definitely got issues, but who wouldn't with that horrifying mother and a sister who's been institutionalized? Those two things, combined with the overwhelming pressure to be "perfect" would push a lot of people over the edge.

I don't think The Originals is going to be around long enough for that to happen. The CW seems to be clearing out (or staking) all their sexy vampires this year. The Twilight phase is officially (un)dead.

Especially considering they must have some idea that his father is in a gang. It'd be pretty obvious in a small town.

Also: Fred refused to hire Hermione because of what her husband did, but then his construction company is now working for the Lodges? Pot calling the kettle, much?

That Archie/Grundy plot was horrible, and somehow ended on an even worse note. His father being so nonchalant about the reveal was amazingly gross, especially considering how he talked with Grundy about what a "special kid" his son was last episode. And Betty threatening to say she lied about the whole situation - why

It just seems like the sort of high caliber place that the writers would try to put her in, no matter how unrealistic it was. They've ignored the fact that all of the characters were questionable students after S1,most of them only showing up at school for the dances. They even had to compel the principal to let

I thought of that too. Why didn't they just make a photocopy of the journal and then give Cade the original? The hypnosis thing was ridiculous, and it's not like Cade would have caught on since he apparently only uses his mind reading abilities occasionally.

The majority of TVD villains have been lazy evil during the past 4 seasons. They haven't had a really strong villain on the show since the Originals left, with the exception of Kai and maybe Silas, both of who were ultimately wasted.

I came back to the show solely for this comment section. I'll miss it when it's gone.

I'm especially curious about how Kai returned, considering he had no head the last time we saw him.

Caroline seems to be in denial. Cade's only been around for a season, so there's a whole lot of other murders that her "true love" has committed that she can't just brush off.

Maybe it was Riley!

She should have left them behind when she left for college and gone to Yale or something. Then we could have skipped these 4 seasons (2 questionable and 2 complete trainwrecks).

1) Caroline is the worst kind of enabler. Her brushing aside all of Stefan's crimes was horrific.
2) Those flashback scenes were embarrassingly bad. Like, even by TVD standards.
3) As excited am I am for Kai to be back, this whole 'dead people returning' thing just seems like a rehash of the Other Side plotline. Maybe

Me all episode: Meh, not sure if I'll tune in next week.
Me in the final 30 seconds: KAI'S BACK? Can't wait for the next episode!

Oh, boo. That's slightly less fun.

Yes, the Democrats tried to use mocking and shaming which didn't work, but it's important to remember that the person who did the most mocking and shaming in this election is currently living in the White House. I think it can work, but it depends on what your target audience is.