
I agree that it isn't political action, but I don't think any of us commenting here think that it is. It's important to be able to poke fun at POTUS, which SNL has done with every President since the show started airing. In this instance their satire is also helping people who are feeling dejected and ostracized to

Unless they didn't do it for a month or so. Let the rumour mill go quiet, then surprise him. Guerilla style satire.

I think the cast has been holding their own in these sketches. Both Kate McKinnon and Beck Bennett have played multiple recurring characters well alongside the guest stars. Bennett's shifty-eyed Putin still gets me every time.

The only one who might equally piss him off is Meryl Streep, and I don't see her playing Bannon.

Agree to disagree on McCarthy. She killed it.

There are reports of people buying ad space during shows they know Trump watches so they can "speak to him" directly. That's simultaneously hilarious and frightening.

Hence the photoshopped hands.

And the popular vote.

It's sad that it's so easy to influence Twitler with SNL sketches. The guy is amazingly unfit to be President.

She would also make a great Trump for one episode. He'd probably have an aneurysm the moment she stepped on stage.

They could just let Rosie take over the role for a bit. The impersonation would be shit, but Trump's head would probably explode.

It seems fairly absurd to take a group of wholesome, moralistic teens from a campy 90s children's TV show and place them in gritty superhero movie. The Emo Rangers have already been done, thanks.

How much do we want to bet that Twitler will tweet about it for some reason?

Ah, right. It is Twilight fan fic after all.

Does he own duct tape though?

It would the Dennis version of Country Mac. That would be great!

He has potential lovers followed by private detectives and keeps dossiers on them. He gives Ana a phone so he can monitor her calls. He has her bank account number on file. He buys the company she works for so he can “protect” her. He refuses to allow her to go on a business trip, and installs her in her old boss’ job

Well, this makes it even more horrifying.

I'm sure that fan fiction already exists somewhere.

Is it too much to ask for a President who doesn't think using the word "bigly" is acceptable?