
So, seriously - thank you. Please come back.

A Random Roles article about her would be great for this exact reason.

Now I'm thinking about that unfortunate Marilyn Manson cameo. Thanks for that.

Well, they are pretty stellar, so I don't blame him.

Can you imagine what dinner must be like at their place? Good times.

I don't think we have to be too worried about Sean Spicer scrolling through the AV Club comments. Plus I'm pretty sure he's used to hearing things a thousand times worse from his boss every day.

I actually can't stop laughing at my desk because of this comment. Wait - everyone on the internet isn't who they say they are? That Nigerian prince I wired money to was legit though, right?

Yeah, it's time. She's been playing her as the "nice-but-misguided dupe just trying to hold everything together," but Kellyanne needs to be called out for all the awful shit she's been part of. She's definitely much worse than Spicer.

It was the best impersonation. She makes the best impersonations. No one is better at impersonations than she is.

You know the dignity's gone when it's difficult to tell the difference between SNL satire and what's actually happening in the White House.

Silly Ess Jay Dubya, don't know you that white people can't be terrorists?

Oh, that joke has been circulating up here since Trump became the nominee. Wish we had actually done it, in hindsight.

Property is significantly cheaper if there's a 75% chance you'll be horrifically murdered on it.

As Carrie mentioned, I think the idea was that Elena would only age a year or two, so she'd still be okay.

Haha, good catch on my wording. That was definitely some bad phrasing.

Seriously - who lives there anymore? Why would you continue to live in a town where people are murdered on mass (including the wedding massacre), and you actually had to be evacuated only a year before?

And the raven infestation. I'm rewatching S1 right now (which is SO, SO much better that it's almost painful to watch), and they were all about the ravens showing up everywhere.

I think you're probably right. She'll have to be the one who defeats Cade, because they made it pretty obvious that no one else has that ability.

No worries. I had to look it up again myself because that was my first thought too.

Ah, I didn't know that. I've never watched TO,but if their ratings are worse than TVD, they must be BAD.