
Cade's plan is so stupid. Why would he willingly force two vamps to do all his killing for him when he could clearly do it himself, or most likely find people willing to do it anyways? Also, killing the "loves of their lives" probably isn't going to do much to motivate them to help you. Just another stupid, run of the

I haven't been following closely this season - is Stefan in ripper mode or just have his humanity turned out? Because if it's just his humanity, he's 100% just an asshole. All the other vamps are still able to see the value in people even if they don't have emotional connections. Stefan so willingly deciding to kill

The ultimate twist would be if Stelena was end game. They're both human and their love interests aren't. It won't happen, but that would be an actual surprise ending and a hilarious middle finger to all the shippers.

They really should have known to be quick. Happy moments never last long in TVD.

Does this mean the cure is completely gone from Elena? Couldn't they just grab another syringe of her blood? She's not completely drained like Katherine was.

They only age when someone drains the cure from them. Katherine was fine until Silas drained her blood, which then brought on the aging.

I wouldn't be surprised if Caroline eventually joins the cast of TO, at least in a recurring role.

Matt's definitely going to make it to the end. Julie has said repeatedly that she would never kill off Matt.

I'm assuming Enzo was the major death they kept talking about. They could kill off Stefan (which I think would be far more interesting), but then they couldn't finish the show with the Delena and Steroline relationships in tact, and then all the shippers would revolt.

Has Steven talked about coming back? I assume that Jeremy's too busy chasing vampires and making questionable art to come back.

Fuck this show. Bonnie Bennett can't have one season of happiness? And all this after she spent the episode talking about how she always sacrifices herself for the good of others. She couldn't have ended the show on a happy note?! I seriously hope she goes full Dark Willow after this. She deserves some revenge.

Catherine Reitman is now on a Canadian sitcom called "Workin' Moms," and I legitimately can't watch the promos without assuming that she's just playing Maureen with a baby.

Me either! As a kid I was always struck by how incredibly unattractive Archie was (his horrific jalopy and his poor treatment of Betty didn't help). I was always more of a Reggie supporter and wanted him to be with Betty, which probably provides a frightening glimpse into the type of men I'm attracted to as an adult.

Yes, but driven to do so by his wife.

Comic Archie (at least traditional comic Archie) is the least realistic looking person around. He had bright orange hair, thick black eyebrows, giant freckles and pound signs on the side of his head.

Besides being a horrible plotline for obvious reasons, it also means that Grundy most likely won't be around very long. Ms. Grundy was the best teacher in the comics, and it's sad to see her character instantly destroyed. I really wish they had just invented a new character for this God awful storyline and then

At least he doesn't have comically large freckles or pound signs on the sides of his head.

If you google him you see that they're the real deal. They may have cast him on those eyebrows alone.

I believe that is called "Zack Morris Syndrome."

As someone who repeatedly dyed their hair red in high school and tried to convince themselves that it looked cool, I choose to think that Archie is going through the same phase. I can relate to making unwise fashion choices as a teen.