
All the redheads on this show are painfully artificial.

I'm confused about why they didn't retire the murdered player's number. You're a high school - maybe let the kid pick out another number and not wear a dead player's jersey?

Anything to have a chance to showcase the abs again.

Me too. Betty's dark (re: the bloody nail gouges in her hands at the tryouts). The parental pressure and her self-esteem issues are going to go somewhere.

Yes, Polly has always been around, but wasn't mentioned much. I remember reading one story where Betty looked up to her big sister who was coming home to visit. I believe she was a journalist or something?

Same. It was a pleasant surprise when I realized I had missing the CW airing.


Oh, so that's how you make the cheer team!

I don't think Cheryl can be the killer. We already know she was with Jason, so it would make it a bit too obvious if she was the one who murdered him.

I actually always preferred Reggie to Archie, because at least Reggie was upfront about being an asshole. Archie often treated Betty like garbage and never thought twice about it. Not only was he nice to Betty (and they often went out together), but he was the only one who called Archie on his shit.

Betty was the stand out for me too. There's some darkness there.

Also Reggie and Moose being friends. Maybe that works though if there's no Midge and Moose isn't interested in her anyways.

Isn't his dad Luke Perry? Let's get our 90s heartthrobs right here.

I laughed out loud at the idea of him getting private music lessons so he can better play his angsty-teen acoustic jams.

Small town. I'm surprised that Miss Grundy wasn't chasing his dad though since he's LUKE PERRY.

Especially since it would have been easy to fall into that trap here. In the comic the Betty/Archie/Veronica love triangle often overshadows the fact that the two girls are best friends.

The character of Cheryl is well done too. They've taken the 'spoiled rich girl who also has a thing for Archie' character from the comics and given her a bit more bite.

Awesome! The finale really just wouldn't be the same without Elena. Although what does that mean for Bonnie?

Has Nina actually confirmed that she's back? The last I heard she wasn't saying anything. Fingers crossed over here!

1) Finally someone acknowledged the pain they've caused Matt and asked for forgiveness. And it was Damon, of all people!
2) Bonnie and Damon are probably the best friendship this show has ever done. Damon reciting the letter was absolutely wonderful.