
The hyenas goose-stepping in "Be Prepared" is genuinely unnerving. That whole sequence is both beautiful and terrifying.

Also, do Belle and the Beast stay in the castle afterwards? That's got to make for awkward trips to town.

It's all those eggs he eats.

I appreciate the horribleness of Gaston so much more as an adult. As a kid he just seemed like a jerk, but as a grown up I realize just how insanely douchey he is. He's like a walking Tinder profile.

Truly a man after my own heart.

Luke Evans was great casting for Gaston. He's got that naturally smarmy look to him. Ditto for Josh Gad as Le Fou. He's definitely the henchmen type.

When I saw the stage production, the transformation scene was both horrifying and hilarious. The actor who played the Beast was very obviously around 60, and had long grey hair.

The part that has always bothered me is that if you do the math, the prince was 11 when he was cursed. He has until he's 21 to have someone fall in love with him, and in another scene Lumiere mentions that they've been transformed for 10 years. So that witch punished a child for not letting a stranger into his house.

From what I've heard, it is altered a bit. Emma Watson has mentioned the fact that her version of Belle is the inventor, not her father. That in and of itself doesn't necessarily mean much, but it hints that it's not just a shot for shot remake.

This definitely goes pretty dark for a kid's movie. Remember the scene where Gaston tries to have Maurice committed to the old-timey asylum? That's legitimately terrifying.

I just saw an article titled "25 Facts About North Korea That Make Donald Trump Look Like a Hero." Setting the bar pretty high there, internet.

I secretly hope that she voted for Hillary.

Of course he wants to. That's where his super-villian tower/lair is.

In her defense, racists often don't understand what a hate crime actually is because 75% of the things that they say and do could be considered one.

$10,000 bracelets for everyone!

So would he.

They were all too busy watching reruns of CSI:Miami.

So…Michelle in 2020, right?

I think they're leaving it open ended for now because there's always the possibility that Mike could reappear at some point. There was never 100% proof that he had the virus or died.

Boris Kodjoe was always listed as a guest star too, and he was on as a regular cast member for half of S1 and S2. They seem to leave people as guest stars until they're completely sure they're going to stick around plot-wise.