
I definitely expected her to be the one causing all the chaos around the building. Melissa taking wire cutters to stuff wouldn't surprise me at this point.

I'm sure Todd would let her join his brood if she wanted.

The writing was already on the wall. How could it survive without Shemar Moore running around saving people in increasingly convoluted ways?

I was surprised to find out that the writers remembered that Sarah Salvatore existed.

Me too. I decided to give this season a go after abandoning last year, but I'm not sold that they've improved on S7. I was hoping they'd get their act together for their final season, but it looks like more of the same old horribleness.

Ditto for Matt. As much as I like the character, he hasn't been relevant to the show for years. Julie likes him though, and has said she would never kill him off, so here we are.

They struggled to find a purpose for Alaric when they brought him back, very much like how they struggled to make Elena a feasible character after she was vamped. This show makes a lot of big changes without thinking them through.

Well, they've already done babies, so obviously an unnecessary wedding was on the way.

Mystic Falls career options:

That's almost as sad as when Jo's stagette was attended solely by Elena and Caroline, two of her students/fiance's much younger friends.

I shall be skipping the wedding episode. I've hated the horrendous Steroline relationship since it was first forced on us, and I have a feeling that episode is going to be incredibly cringe-inducing.

Please, please, please let Katherine come back. As much as I'd like to have Elena back for a couple episodes, I'd hands down want a Katherine return first.

So true about Caroline. Apparently the writers decided to make her the one-dimensional, boy crazy one now that Elena isn't on the show anymore. Thank God Bonnie is bad-ass, because she's the only strong (and likable) female character on this show anymore.

Stuff like this is why the internet exists.

Although I wouldn't necessarily say it was better, since it was done so differently, I enjoyed the movie adaptation of Chicago. Really showcasing the '20s setting was a fun take on the stage version.

Definitely. It's just a totally unnecessary line. You could throw any group in there and it would make as much sense.

Two Minutes Hate. Hate Week.

What's wrong with this country? Can't a man walk down the street without being offered a job?

I'll stick with Barry Zuckerkorn, thank you very much. "Take to the sea!" has never failed me.

Ah yes, who hasn't been screwed over by the old "You must be a smarmy asshole or you'll be fired" clause?