
"Even the white kids."

The term "Power of Persuasion" instantly made me think of the Prince of Persuasia from Bob's Burgers. I feel like The Donald and he would get along splendidly, although I think the cartoon character has more redeeming qualities.

He's the best at repeating himself. No one repeats better than he does.

I would love to see a Gob/Franklin pro-Trump campaign video. So wrong, yet so right.

The Reginald Denny footage haunts me to this day. There aren't words to express how hopeless watching cruelty like that makes you feel.

I like this version, but Tom Hanks is no Jimmy Stewart. The original The Shop Around The Corner is one of my holiday staples.

I was all about that dancing Ally McBeal baby around this time. Oh, the '90s.

Louis once said that he was "one white cat away from being a supervillain," and with good reason.

And there was no Family Guy, so that's always a bonus.

It was also the perfect Presidential Debate chaser. Bob's Burgers makes everything better.

That thing is forever burned into my brain. I don't know if it's the eye patch, or the flag waving, or the metal fingertips, but that video unnerves me in a way I can't fully explain.

"W was about as bad as a presidency can turn"

As a Canadian, I always loved my Social Studies. We spent a lot of time learning about our own nation's history and economic/political system, but we also seemed to spend an equal amount of time learning about how other nations' political/economic systems compared to ours. We covered Brazil, Russia, Japan, the U.S.,

Kind of like how they blame Obama for the economic recession and the Iraqi war, despite the fact that he inherited both of those from Dubya. Ignorance is bliss.

I was listening to one of them on NPR yesterday, and she insinuated that all the women that Trump had sexually assaulted were "asking for it," and had probably led him on. Not surprisingly, she was willing to overlook his actions, because Hillary is somehow worse for some reason she could not explain.

That would explain why Trump compulsively sniffs every time he ends up standing beside her.

"Soviet Union? I thought you guys broke up?"
"Nyet! That's what we wanted you to think, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA."

I think the twist could be that a new set of homeowners is watching this documentary on the TV in the basement, and that Matt and Shelby are dead. oOOOOoooohhh!

She also mentioned being English, so…