
Didn't you know that you're automatically speaking in old-timey English if you throw the occasional "thee" and "thy" into a sentence?

Although I think the Native American lore would have been more interesting, I bet this character was specifically developed for Gaga, and there's no way they could have her playing that sort of role without backlash. Ancient white mystic = Druid, on TV for some reason.

Apparently a friend of hers was staying in the adjoining apartment, and after hearing the commotion, locked herself in and called for help. That was the update on the radio this morning, anyways.

I've calmed the mob and put away the torches and pitchforks…for now.

Fair enough. You definitely wouldn't have enjoyed the cheese scene from season 2 then. It's the thing beard nightmares are made of.

Ear piece?

I think the moral of this story is that Americans should never stay in gorgeous apartments in ritzy neighbourhoods in Paris. There's a 75% chance that some crazy shit will go down.

I definitely plan on teaching my future children this song.

Although I didn't particularly like the episode overall, I really did
enjoy when Tina's family supported her at the horse camp exhibition,
when she rode imaginary Jericho/horse Paul Rudd. Everyone just
acknowledged how strange it was, but cheered her on anyways. That family loves the hell out of each other.

All the family interactions on Bob's Burgers are great, but the Bob/Louise ones are some of the best.

I'm going to need therapy after that teens-suckling-from-pigs scene. Some things you just can't unsee.

Kuchi Kopi has always been (and continues to be) delightfully sinister for a child's toy. Is it specifically because he belongs to Louise, or is it the toy itself?

My friend was once part of a living art installation where a man carved the words "Eat Me" into his chest and rolled around in a pile of breakfast food smeared with his own blood. This isn't that far off, really.

Thanks for sharing. Although I still don't like the storyline, it somehow doesn't seem quite as bad since it has a factual basis.

He and Frances Conroy have always been standouts for me.

I enjoyed that Shelby seemed more terrified by the burning wooden effigy than the burning man wearing a pig head that she saw earlier in the episode.

She was one of Kathy Bates' entourage, and was just silently looking over her shoulder.

Or an angry French ghost was using the nurses to try to voice his frustration to the world, but they screwed up the spelling and used a 'u' instead of an 'e.'

I think it might have been a buildup to the characters discovering that something will keep drawing them back to the house, even when they don't want to be there. It would explain why the Professor remained on the property too.

Yep, it was definitely her. I had to rewind just to double check. Gaga and bearded Wes Bentley were the two in Mama Kathy's entourage that I recognized this episode.