
Katharine was one of the greatest TV villains of all time and the show never recovered after she, uh, blew away.

They ruined it when they vamped Elena. There have been real issues ever since.

Don't forget The Last Man on Earth!

Can you imagine the nations of the world fighting over how many American immigrants they're willing to let in?

Do you think the Americans would pay for it?

I'm going with crazed-yet-sexy Puritan settler-ghost.

I think the real issue with Coven was the complete lack of stakes. The characters went on and on about the dangers of being considered a possible supreme, but almost every character came back from the dead when they were killed off. There wasn't really any element of danger since death didn't mean anything.

If they stick with the interview format, I'm hoping that a real disconnect between what the "real" people are saying and what we're seeing in the reenactments will occur. It would be interesting to see them trying to downplay the horror of what had actually happened.

The return of Wes "Gaze in Wonder at my Miraculous Muttonchops" Bentley.

I bet it still happens. There's some insane stuff going on.

Me too. I want to go for beers with Lee.

The fact that the theme is Roanoke doesn't bode well for them surviving.

At the very least, I'm going to guess at least one of them is giving their interview from a mental hospital.

Yoga is not a job.

We're more into the sea shanty remixes these days.

Seriously! Why include him at all when all he got was, "Oh, this guy's part of the team too. And completely not expendable in any way."

This was mine too. Odd but acceptable choice, I'd say.

Prozzak played a show in my city last month, and I'm oddly sad I missed it. Apparently it was strange as fuck, but a lot of fun.

Plus whatever random shit the Joker was up to. He wasn't so much a full out villain as an irritating pest though.

Thank you! It was impossible to take Enchantress as a serious threat when she was constantly shimmying in that outfit that looked like a leftover from the national costume portion of Miss Universe.