
Poor Adam Beach. I love him, and was hoping for more than a Slipknot cameo. Boo-urns all around.

I would just like to point out a year later that this indeed happened. You are a prophet.

Agreed! It really seemed like they were building up Kai/the Heretics to be an amazing Big Bad combination at the end of S6, but it all went downhill when they promptly killed him off. What was the point of having him trapped in the prison world with them if the writers simply planned to get rid of him? Ditto for the

So true! This show definitely doesn't do horror-style baddies like Buffy used to.

Yep, that's what I meant. The doppelganger connection had been such a major part of the show's mythology right from S1, that it was really disappointing for it to suddenly be whitewashed as an elaborate hoax in S5. But I suppose by S4/5 they were really playing fast and loose with the mythology anyways, so I shouldn't

Oh my gosh, I wish Katherine was the Big Bad for S8! I know it won't happen (because of the lack of Nina, and Katherine being pulled into whatever mysterious place she was sent to), but she would be the perfect villain for the final season!

I would welcome Matt to Canada with open arms. He can become a Mountie, and ride a horse, and save damsels all day. He'd like that.

I bet it's going to be an Old Testament name like Ezekiel or Delilah. TVD likes it's ancient villains to have old-timey, stoic names.

And his true love was an Elena doppelganger, ugh. But then later on we learned that Stefan and Elena were not actually meant for each other (because…plot?), thus making that whole storyline even more dumb. S4 was so, so bad plot-wise.

Jimmy was actually sort of supportive of Bob after Louise's big speech though. He even joins in the cheering and celebrating when Bob finally gets free! He's still an awful person, but this is really the first time that we saw a moment where he shows compassion towards Bob. It was a good way to end the season.

I got both episodes out west, although they weren't back to back. I love that Bob's now airs on City. They seem a lot more consistent that Global ever was.

Hawkeye, you are quite the cupid. You can stick an arrow in my buttocks any time. - Tobias Funke.


I think Ann might be Ant-Man because the other Avengers don't seem to have any idea who he is.

Now this is the kind of cameo I can get behind.

You should never feel shame over your LMM fandom. Although this is coming from someone who has visited Green Gables, and seen the musical, and may or may not have a straw hat with red braids sitting somewhere in their childhood bedroom, so I may be slightly biased…

Me too. Don't forget Gilmore Girls as well! Wow, what a line up.

Tammy is so a Veruca Salt.

It also seems strange that they would build up the return of a character for a year and a half and then promptly kill him off after 4 episodes. I'm pretty sure he'll be back.

Haha, no, CBC definitely isn't a powerhouse outside of Canada. I'm actually glad to hear that they aired internationally at all. That gives me a weird sense of pride - sort of like when I see episodes of Murdoch Mysteries on American channels nowadays.