
We are the WB generation.

Actually, 2 of those were brought to you by the CBC. If it's Canadian and old-timey, they've most likely made it.

As was the milk fridge kiss. I really wish he'd make another appearance.

Nope, it's totally in character for Linda. She did pawn the espresso machine in order to send Gene to that baseball camp, after all. Misguided or not, for Linda the happiness of her children has always gone before the success of the restaurant. Bob also once bought a $300 knife and allowed it to promptly be destroyed

She is 13 though. Teenagers are generally overly dramatic about everything, even when they know they shouldn't be. Blame the hormones. I also saw her know-it-all-ism as her being overly enthusiastic, not her vindictively trying to one-up the other girls. Tina's always been obsessed with horses, and being presented

It doesn't surprise me that Tina wasn't authoritative though, since it was her first time ever riding a real horse. She even had trouble riding Jericho in her fantasy sequence, so a real horse would be all kinds of trouble.

Oh man, the cardboard box canoeing is what got me.

People on this show are genuinely accepting of everyone's weirdness though. Everyone in this town is a little off. I mean, Teddy was freaking out about the fryer to an absurd degree, and everyone just accepted that as Teddy being Teddy. Bob routinely creates characters out of inanimate objects and has conversations

Josh is still first for me. The Josh/J-Ju dance-off was a thing of true beauty, and that kid really did like Tina.

It really seems like more of a Harley type activity.

My roommate walked into the room while Tina was riding Jericho around the corral, and all she could say was, "That is so sad." No, it isn't, it's a perfect example of how bad ass Tina Belcher really is. She's awkward, and nerdy, but she's 13 and totally okay with who she is. All the spectators supporting her (even

I prefer Boyz 4 the Present Time, myself.

There's no need. Regular Sized Rudy would win every time, especially since he's got that awesome inhaler holster now.


Also, we got to see Jimmy Pesto repeatedly use french bread as an imaginary tommy gun, so I'd consider it a win. Rat-a-tata-tata-tata-ta.

The final 10 minutes of this episode were heart-wrenchingly perfect. I'm really hoping Mike is still alive and reappears next season, just to Phil can flaunt that he was right.

A migraine, actually.

The ending won me over. I was nervous for the majority of the episode because I saw it turning into another jealous-Phil plot, but it turned out surprisingly well. It was nice to actually see Melissa be genuinely happy for Phil for once, and to see Phil's pure awe at realising he was the father. It's great that even

THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS! There are tons of legitimately amazing Canadian artists that never get air time, but for some reason we're forced to listen to Hedley about once an hour.

Who isn't attracted to the cartoon Robin Hood? Seriously, his voice is amazing.