
If you listen to CBC, yes.

They're still played regularly on Canadian radio, so you can tune in here if you miss their terrible music. Thanks, CANCON.

I would actually see that leading to more conflict. Is Phil really going to be okay with Todd and Carol sleeping together and having a child? They didn't discuss their decision with him at all, which is pretty awful.

Seriously! It bothered me that Todd was the only one who hated seeing Phil being tormented. Even Carol seemed indifferent. This is Phil 2.0 all over again, only worse, because the harassment is being done by the one person left on the planet who should automatically have Phil's back.

Mike having a thing with Erica means he will officially be the new Phil 2.0. And we don't need another one of those.

The ending was the first Mike/Phil scene that I've genuinely enjoyed. I really wish that we had had an episode where they had gotten along initially, before the brutal insults and pranks had begun. I'd still not sold on Mike automatically tormenting Phil for 2 whole episodes after repeatedly longing to see him again

It really is. The fact that they manage to effectively use the product placement as a running joke throughout, while also using it to emphasis the plot (and serve as a great piece of social commentary to boot) is amazing. It makes for great jokes, and the sponsors still get their products splashed everywhere. Everyone

"Oh my God, that's Mr. Moviephone! How did you get him to put that on there? [Gasps] You slept with him!"

I'm so glad they asked about Josie & the Pussycats. It's so delightfully self-aware and satirical (and really underrated.)

But they were over 3 hours late! That either means that they intentionally avoided going out of spite, or they all think so little of Phil that no one remembered him. Both are pretty terrible options.

Don't forget the man on the boat. He's bobbing around out there somewhere too!

The fact that he blatantly invited everyone except his brother was such a dick move. While Phil can be awful, he's really worked at redeeming himself this season. It's worrisome that most of the rest of the gang ignores the fact that he's trying to be a decent human these days, even if he can be annoyingly

Exactly! Everyone was ridiculously nonchalant about the fact that Phil's brother was still alive, and that he managed to come down from space and find/reunite with his brother all the way across the country.

I love Phil and Carol, but she reverted to some S1 traits this episode. I have trouble believing that she would have been that late for Phil's party, because she knew it was important to him. Carol doing something that she knew would hurt Phil is really out of character for their S2 relationship.

I thought Mike was incredibly obnoxious. The fact that he immediately made jokes at Phil's expense, and then caused everyone to show up late to Phil's party (only to make further jokes at his brother's expense) was brutal. I understand that they're trying to portray the whole 'brothers being brothers' thing, but a lot

That's the only one I think I'll still watch. I have it and the Originals episode both saved, and I'll probably check them out. I have a feeling they'll make me miss earlier seasons even more than I do now though.

My personal favorite is the Are You Being Served movie. The whole group of coworkers goes on vacation together (sans spouses) because, as you said, that's what they do in '70s sitcom movies.

What we really need is the return of Josh.

If Matt became anti-vampire, it definitely should have been after his sister was killed or when Elena turned and flipped and immediately the humanity switch. Matt suddenly hating all vamps, even though pretty much everyone he cares about is one, is ridiculously dumb.

I think I've given up this show up for good. I haven't watched the past 6 episodes, which are all currently sitting on my DVR, and I don't know if I will at this point. This review doesn't make me think it's worth it.